Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

II. The Hydrographic Service has from certain photogrammetric 
maps and photographs produced a map 1:80 000 of the canal and lake 
system of Dalsland for the purpose of navigation and tourist-traffic. 
III. Military maps are produced chiefly by the Geographical Sur- 
vey Office as photomaps on 1:10 000 or 1:20 000 with contours. Excep- 
tionally the Department of Photography at the General Staff of Defence 
compiles photomaps or mosaies without contours. 
1. Cadastral Survey and the like. 
I. The Economic Map 1:10 000 is produced by the Geographical 
Survey Office and was during the years 1948-1952 published over more 
than 30 000 km? and was calculated to be published over alltogether 
about 50 000 km? on the 1 st of Januar 1952. Drafts for about 13 000 
km? more are further ready. 
The Photo-Map 1:10 000, the basis of the Economic Map. was on 
January 1 st, 1952 produced by the Geographical Survey Office over 
about 180 000 km?. 
How the Photo-Map and the Economie Map are produced and what 
they contain ete. is described in the report, given to the VI th Interna- 
tional Congress in the Hague in 1948. 
The Economic Map is for the present kept up to date only as regards 
the boundaries of the land estates. 
Il. Maps for Legal Change and Re-allotment, Urban planning and 
the like. 
During the years 1948-1952 the Swedish Land Survey has photo- 
grammetrically mapped 67 areas, together 290 km?. 
The procedure used thereby can be followed in table. 
Operations of work for photogrammetric mapping at the Land Survey 
The maps for Legal Change and Re-allotment usually contain only 
planimetric details, while the maps for Urban planning also contain con- 
tours with husually an interval of 1 meter. The planimetric details are 
boundaries, buildings, traffic routes, ground classes, drainage areas, 
fences, conduits and lines above and under the earth’s surface and an- 
cient monuments etc. all to the extent required for the purpose of the 
map and decided by the possibility to draw the details in the scale of 
the map. | 
The exactitude of signalled points must according to the present ru- 
les, not be less than + 0,25 mm 1n the scale of the map. At the Land- 
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