Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

I 09. «S 
OD 62.0 0 
Cx à 
Planigraph Multiplex 
ah=70M as 135m ah=74a 
ah=1om a=okom ah=-250 
Fig. 2a Fig. 2b 
For the planigraph is Ah = 25a, for the multiplex is A h = 7,4a. The terrain 
features are represented correctly (in the whole) by the two plans, the multiplex 
contours give less detail. 
Fig. 3a shows the planigraph contour-lines, fig. 3b the multiplex contour- 
lines, the countour interval is Ah = 5 m. For the planigraph is Ah = 12a, for 
the multiplex Ah = 3,7a. We can state by view from fig. 3a and 3b: The plani- 
Planigraph Multiplex 

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