General Direction of Cadastral Survey and of the Technical Services
of Finance Department
The map of Rome on scale 1:10.000
Communication of the General Director Prof. GIOVANNI BOAGA
to the 7th International Congress of Photogrammetry at Washington, 1952
Cities, and particularly capitals of various countries, are generally well
supplied with plans and maps. This concerns specially the city of Rome, where
the frequent issues of such cartographic compilations are favoured by a large
demand due to the great number of foreign visitors.
Producing a new map of Rome, therefore, would have been useless if
performed according to the usual standards.
The Administration of Italian Cadastral Survey, however, retained it
opportune to initiate the issue of a new map of Rome on scale 1:10.000, which
— being deducted from the cadastral map — should have a high degree of geo-
metric accuracy. As is known, maps of cities and towns are generally designed
less accurately, only being destined to furnish orientation.
The occasion of elabôrating the first (experimental) sheet of the new
map was given by the recent cadastral mapping of Rome. The new cadastral
map, which will be finished within this year, was surveyed (as I have already
mentioned in an other paper concerning the archæological map of Rome) by
means of a combined proceeding, i. e. surveying planimetry by classical terre-
strial methods and then completing the map with contours and with new or
formerly not surveyed planimetric details, using air photogrammetry.