Nowadays an aerophotogrammetrical survey is carried out in accor-
dance with a precise programme and a technique based on a definite
rhythm and a pre-arranged sequence of operations, which means that it
is possible to determine in advance the time which will be required to
carry out the task and its cost in regard to the results which are to be
After these very fine results had been obtained, the Land Registry
Department gave the S.A.R.A. the task of producing the cadastral map of
the province of Viterbo.
However, after the work had been organised and started it had to
be suspended half way through on account of the war.
It was not easy to take the matter up again, partly because the appa-
ratus and plans had been dispersed and partly because many of the techni-
cians who were experts in aerophotogrammetry had either disappeared
or had gone away. But by 1948 the IMPRESA SPECIALIZZATA AERO-
FOTOGRAMMETRIA (LS.A.) had recommenced its full aerophotogram-
metrical activities with the Nistri Photocartograph and thanks to the
guidance and moral and technical support of the originator of the method,
Ing. Umberto Nistri, it was possible to take up the task where it had been
left off.
Since 1948 the LS.A. has prepared maps of the following Districts in
the Viterbo Province on behalf of the Land Registry Department:
— VITERBO, approx. 40,000 hectares.
— MONTEROMANO, approx. 10,000 hectares.
— MONTALTO DI CASTRO, approx. 12,000 hectares.
— ISCHIA DI CASTRO, approx. 12,000 hectares.
— FARNESE, approx. 5,000 hectares.
These maps have been checked and approved, giving the results
shown in the attached tables.
At the present moment the LS.A. (still on behalf of the Land Regi-
stry Department) is engaged in surveying for the maps of several Di-
stricts in the Belluno Province amounting in all to abount 20,000 hectares
and in the Vercelli Province to a further 20,000 hectares.
As I have stated in my paper this in the first 1952 issue of the bulle-
tin of the S.L.F.E.T., the Impresa Specializzata Aerofotogrammetria has
almost exclusive rights in Italy in this particular application of the
« Nistri» method.
The surveys carried out for this purpose have met with complete and
unquestioned success in such a way as to win the confidence ad warm
approval of the officials and engineers dealing with this work.