Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

Since 1948 the LS.A. has carried out the following surveys in regard 
to railway lines: 
— Caltagirone-Niscemi-Gela for a length of 44 kms. 
— Alcamo-Camporeale-Roccamena for a length of 45 kms. 
— Prizzi-Marcatobianco for a length of 40 kms. 
— Marcatobianco-Polizzi Generosa for a length of 35 kms. 
— Railway Link-ups and connecting lines in Rome for a length 
of 80 kms. 
Other surveys are at present being organised in Apulia ad Venetia. 
The checks carried out by the special Commission nominated by Mi- 
nistry of Public Works gave the following results: 
Planimetric check: 
All the checks showed insignificant discrepancies which were consi- 
derably smaller than those allowed by the tolerance formulae laid down 
in the contract: 
t = (0.50+0.05 /D) m. for distances less than 250 m. 
t — (0.404-0.04 /D) m. for distances more than 250 m. 
Altimetric check: 
Caltagirone-Gela Em=1I 0.27 m. (maximum tolerance 1.4). 
Alcamo-Camporeale Em -— between I 0.58 m. and. I 0.79 m. 
Prizzi-Marcatobianco Em- between 0.37 and 0.52 m. 
Marcatobianco-Polizzi Generosa Em-I 0.90 m. 
The check-up of the plan for the railway links and connections in 
Rome is being carried out at the present moment. 
With the coming into force of the new agricultural law, land recla- 
mation schemes in Italy are today in full swing. 
Naturally surveying activities are of very great importance in this 
sphere. Photographic aerial surveying has given and continues to give all 
its very valuable assistance in operations of this kind. 
A very careful and detailed study has been made of the possibility of 
applying aerial survey in such a way as to comply with all the exceptio- 
nal demands which are made by surveys of this kind. As is well known, 
the zones where this type of operations is carried out are usually very flat 
indeed and the representation of altimetric details must be absolutely 
accurate. Almost complete accuracy is required, and this can be obtained 
with close levelling networks. 
The I.S.A. has surveyed a large area in the province of Latina, linking 
reclamation of Amaseno with that of Priverno. 

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