Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Deuxième fascicule)

Un plan archeologique de Rome 
The ancient and modern cartography of Rome and of its archæologic 
areas has already a long tradition, dating from several centuries: «nihil sub 
sole novi». From the city and from its most important zones, very appreciable 
ps are available from the oldest copper-printed to the modern ones, the lat- 
d by the Military Geographical Institute, by the Ita- 
ter having been produce 
lian Touring Club as well as by other National Cartographic Institutes. 
The Administration of the Cadastral Survey retains, however, that the 
new archaologic map presents special particularities. 
In fact, it is not only the latest map of that area, but presents also a 
high degree of accuracy like that of every cadastral survey in our country, 
and is distinguished by its very large scale. 
as Chief of the Cadastral Survey, I'm very glad to pre- 
In my character 
topinion of engineers, land-surveyors, archæo- 
sent the new map to the exper 
both experts and amateurs, and I think that the 
gists and town-planners, 
eciable example of collaboration, 
compilation of this map constitutes an appr 
which is always necessary between scientists and technicians, in order that 
both of them may gain a steady progress. 
The General Director 
Rome, July 18th, 1952 
Un plan archéologique de Rome. 
inication du Directeur Général du Cadastre Italien 
Résumé de la comm 
de la Ville de Rome, 14 feuilles 
Au cours du lever du plan cadastral 
gique du Palatinum et du 
compilées pour la zône archéolo 
spéciales ont été 
uilles est exposée à la VIIme Exposition In- 
Forum Romanum. Une des ces fe 
ternationale de Photogrammétrie. 
Le lever a été exécuté au moyen d’une méthode mixte, cest à dire, lever 
de terre moyennant le tachéometre et la stadia pour la planimétrie de la zone, 
qui a été ensuite complétée et integrée d’altimétrie ‘avec le procédé 
aérophotogrammé trique. 
L’échelle du plan est de 1:500, telle à rendre bien visible les petits 

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