Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

and “Forestry and the use of aerial photographs” can be studied and practised 
under the leading of international authorities. Further particulars can be seen in 
*Photogrammetria", number 4, 1950-1951. 
Appendix Nr. 4, Terminology, only contains the Swedish report, because 
no other has arrived. But four lectures will be given, by: 
Prof. Dr. Otto Lacmann, Berlin, about the revision of the German Standard 
Sheet 3035, *Begriffe, Benennungen und Formelgrofien in der Photogrammetrie 
Mr. Duane Lyon, Missouri, U.S.A., about 
*Documentation of Technical Literature" and about 
*A Universal System of Photogrammetric Symbols". 
Mr. van der Brugghen, Netherlands, about the use of the Universal-Decimal- 
Classification for photogrammetry. 
Supplemental we wish to refer to the proposals about the terminology, 
appeared in “Photogrammetria” number 3, 1951-1952, as well as to the literature 
(page 110) published there. 
Perhaps it would be advisable to take into consideration whether the sym- 
bols, proposed for the international use, should be limited to an utmost small 
number. Until these symbols will be very well introduced, possibly then it is 
time, to particularise more and more and to carry through further standardiza- 
tions. Regarding this, introduced terms should be kept up as far as possible and 
abundant linguistic strictness should be avoided. About the decimal classification 
system we may say that it is employed in any variation far-extendingly, and it 
is to be well considered if to turn off the system which was used in “Photo- 
Appendix Nr. 5 includes the bibliographies from seven countries, namely 
Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, and U.S.A. This biggest 
appendix of 90 pages is certainly one of the most valuable and interesting. So 
it gives complete view on the papers appeared in seven countries. Here we 
should also like to suggest that these collected bibliographies, together with 
those which are still expected from the nations yet not having sent them, should 
be published in this system commenced in *Photogrammetria". In this way a 
schedule can be set up in one of these two languages only by cutting out. See 
*Photogrammetria", number 4, 1949-1950. Yet the question were to be discussed 
if the “Photogrammetria” had not to publish these bibliographies also in other 
Sr. Dott. Ing. Placido Belfiore, Italy, is going to give us a very interesting 
lecture, so to say about a bibliography of architecture, namely: “For an Inter- 
national Photogrammetric Archive of Architectural Masterpieces”. 
Appendix Nr. 6 includes the registers of patents of the five countries, Fin- 
land, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, and U.S.A. It will certainly be of great inter- 
est to all those who are employed in the construction of instruments. 
The last Appendix Nr. 7 contains reports about the mostly used photo- 
grammetric methods in Italy and Sweden. 
In regard to the doubtlessly great importance of a photogrammetric dic- 
tionary in different languages for the purpose of an international exchange of 
papers, studies and books, due to which the international collaboration would be 
highly facilitated, we laid stress upon the preparation of a dictionary in eight 
different languages. 
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