Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

II, Deutsch-Englisch-Franzósisch, Verlag H. Thali & Co., Hitzkirch (Luzern), the 
Schweiz." d 
Only a few compound words have no references to literature, for instance 2) Wi 
the word *Kammerobjektiv" as the separated words "Kammer" and *Objectiv" che 
have each its own sheet with reference to literature. 3) Arc 
To the national societies of England, France, Italy, Sweden, Spain, and fro 
U.S.A. was sent such a sample of the dictionary, with the application to add «04 
the translations in the occasional language of the country. One sample was Hsc 
sent to the German Society, asking for competent judge. For the Polish transla- 4) Iti 
tion the Nacelna Organizacja Techniczna in Warszawa was asked in ambassa- tio! 
dorial way. We also asked the Academy of Sciences of Russia in Moscow for ma 
the Russian translation. But we were informed that now in Russia is no possibi- 5) Th 
lity to realise our wish. This sample returned from, was later on transmitted to lum 
the Portuguese Society. sui 
Commission VI possesses to-day a dictionary-draft in American, German, vol 
Italian, Polish, Swedish, and Spanish, and we hope to receive soon the transla - rise 
tions from the national societies of England, France, and Portugal. Only then 
we can begin with the inditement of a final draft of the dictionary in eight poc 
respectively nine languages. 
At last we may mention that up to now the following expenses arose for O 
the Austrian Society of Photogrammetry due to the work for the dictionary: deman 
for type-writing ++. eee e nee 2160 hours A 
for paper and printing cost ..........-- 870 AS... 34 Dollar societe 
for postage, dispatch of packages FESTE 
and correspondence ........ 0000 300 AS..... 11. Dollar word 1 
sands c 
The work connected with the selection of words out of the photogram- of the 
metric books was done gratis. We will not miss to express our sincerest thanks alphab 
to Henry Wild, Surveying Instruments Supply Co. Ltd., Heerbrugg, for the the ke 
kindness to have further dispatched many packages. their o 
So far the matters at present. certain 
For the achievement of the multi-lingual dictionary Commission VI submits langua 
a number of propositions to be discussed. Each national society, whose language Fi 
is to be taken up into the dictionary, should nominate a representative for the of the 
subject of the dictionary. way. I 
If we suppose the size of the dictionary to be 17/25 cm, 6272 words require their r 
300 pages for the alphabetical registers of words in the eight different languages, A 
and about 400 pages for the dictionary itself. In the alphabetical registers the suppor 
key-numbers for each word are to be found, under which it is to be looked up 
in the dictionary. Now we suggest to publish the multi-lingual photogrammetric 
dictionary in three volumes. The first volume of 300 pages contains the alpha- 
betical registers in different languages, the other two volumes include the words 
from No. 1 to 3136 and from 3137 to 6272 together with their translations into 
all the eight languages. So the printing costs, including bookbinding and paper 
for an edition of 1000 volumes would rise in Austria to A 
10.000—11.000 Dollar. E 
Further we had still to clear up the following questions: ques e 
1) Which will be the leading language? That means: in which language shall

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