Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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Report of the Air Board, Ottawa, 1920. 
Report of the Air Board, Ottawa, 1921. 
Report of the Air Board, Ottawa, 1922. 
Annual Report of the Topographical Surveys Branch, Department of the Interior, 1920-21, 
Ottawa, p. 44 
"Photographic Surveying" by E. Deville, 1895. 
“Photographic Surveying" by M. P. Bridgland, Bulletin 56, Topographical Survey of Canada, 
Dept. of the Interior, Ottawa, 1924. 
E. Deville, Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 8, pp. 63-69, Ottawa, 1902. 
Annual Report Topographical Survey of Canada, Dept. of the Interior, Ottawa for 1922-23, 
p. 39. 
Empire Survey Review, 1938, Vol. 4, No. 27. 
Annual Report of the Association of Dominion Land Surveyors, 1925. 
Canadian Journal of Research, 1935, No. A-13, p. 22, Ottawa. 
Canadian Journal of Research, 1937, No. A-15, p. 85, Ottawa. 
Canadian Journal of Research, 1944, No. F-22, Ottawa. 
Canadian Journal of Research, 1944, No. F-22, Ottawa. 
Engineering Journal, Montreal, September, 1939. 
Canadian Journal of Research, 1946, 4-24. 
The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. X, No. 8, p. 12, Ottawa, 1951. 
Canadian Defence Quarterly, Vol. 2-4, 1925. 
The Use of Aerial Photographs for Mapping, Bulletin 62, Topographical Survey, Dept. of 
the Interior, Ottawa, 1932. 
The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. X, No. 6, p. 27, Ottawa, 1950. 
The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. V, Jan. Ottawa, 1936. 
Canadian Journal of Research, 19, F24, p. 501. 
Determination of Tree Heights from Shadows in Air Photographs, Research Note of the 
Forest Service, Ottawa, 1942. 
Air Photography and its Application to Forestry, Forest Service, Ottawa, 1949. 
The Seelyscope, Forest Service, Ottawa, 1940. 
Air Survey and Photogrammetry in British Columbia, Photogrammetric Engineering, 
Washington, 1948. 
Trans. Royal Society of Canada, Section IV, Vol. XXII, Ottawa (1928). 

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