Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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F1G. 8. Auto-Focusing Photogrammetric 
Horizontal Projecting Photogrammetric Rec- 
The horizontal projecting photogram- 
metric rectifier (Figure 7) is designed to 
produce rectified photographic prints from 
6 inch focal length photography with tilts 
up to 70 degrees and 12 inch focal length 
photography with tilts up to 30 degrees. 
Single stage rectification throughout this 
range can be accomplished with this in- 
strument. The magnification range is ap- 
proximately 0.9 to 1.1 at the isoline for 
tilts above 30 degrees, and approximately 
0.6 to 2.5 at the isoline for tilts up to 30 
The rectifier is entirely mechanical and 
has accurate scales and circles on all mo- 
tions so that settings may be made to com- 
puted values based on camera focal length 
and tilt, rectifier lens focal length and the 
magnification desired. It has interchange- 
able projecting metrogon objectives of 
41 and 71 inch focal length, standard 
fluorescent tube illumination and a vac- 
uum easel. The weight of the instrument is 
about 300 pounds and it is suitable for in- 
stallation in a standard U. S. Army motor- 
ized van for operation by field units. 
Autofocusing Photogrammetric Rectifier 
This rectifier (Figure 8) is designed for 
the quantity production of rectified or 
ratioed prints for compilation of controlled 
mosaics, and was developed by the Bausch 
and Lomb Optical Company for the Corps 
of Engineers. The instrument is the first 
of its kind to be manufactured in the 
United States and has a number of features 
not found on other similar instruments. 
It is designed to rectify 9 by 9 inch pho- 
tography, both 6 and 12 inch focal lengths, 
with tilts up to 20 degrees at enlargements 
from 0.6 to 3.5. Photography at higher 
tilts can be rectified at reduced range of 
magnification. The instrument is electri- 
cally operated by push button controls on 
the tilt and magnification settings, and has 
provision for rotating the negative through 
360 degrees and shifting it laterally in both 
X and Y directions. All motions are inter- 
linked so that the projection is in sharp 
focus at all possible settings. 
The objective is a projecting metrogon. 
f/6.3, 53 inch focal length. Illuminant is a 
continuous fluorescent daylight tube in the 
form of a grid, designed to give uniform 
intensity of illumination over the negative 
With this instrument rectified photo- 
graphic prints at desired scales may be 
produced easily and rapidly. The instru- 
ment is suitable for both van type mount- 
ing or base plant use. It weighs approxi- 
mately 800 pounds, is approximately 6 feet 
high and occupies a floor space 55 by 55 
Fic. 9. Auto-Focusing Reflecting Projector, 

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