Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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ystem of 
K-17B Cameras primarily. However, by 
1942 the company had built a second 
photogrammetric camera, the “T-5". Us- 
ing the new Metrogon lens, the camera 
was built to U. S. Air Forces and Corps of 
Engineers specifications for a "precision 
instrument for taking vertical aerial photo- 
Number Date Title Inventor 
1,383,125 5/ 4/26 Map and Method of Making It E. H. Corlett and 
H. I. Doremus 
1,622,125 3/22/47 Airplane View Finder A. W. Stevens 
1,626,787 5/ 3/27 Method and Apparatus for Effecting E. H. Corlett 
Optical Projections 
1,654,070 12/27/27 Method and Means for Rectifying the E. H. Corlett and 
Scale and Perspective of a Picture M. W. Garnett 
1,723,926 8/ 6/29 Information-Recording ^ Attachment S. M. Fairchild 
for Cameras 
1,735,109 11/12/29 Process of an Apparatus for Making L. T. Eliel 
Aerial Photographs 
1,778,027 10/14/20 Transformer Printing Camera W. Herriott 
1,782,864 11/25/30 Aerial Camera A. Briechle 
1,822,650 9/ 8/31 Method of Mapping S. M. Fairchild 
1,848,871 3/ 8/32 Means for Dissipation of Static in Film E. H. Corlett and 
Cameras G. M. Smith, Jr. 
1,863,573 6/21/32 Camera Mechanism F. W. Lutz and 
A. Briechle 
1,890,074 12/ 6/32 Multi-lens Aerial Camera A. Briechle, F. W. 
Lutz, and G. 
1,898,179 2/21/33 Aerial Photography S. Graham 
1,900,757 3/ 7733 Measuring and Computing Instrument E. H. Corlett 
1,926,584 9/12/33 Photographic Transforming Appara- L. T. Eliel 
1,936,595 11/28/33 Automatic Photographic Apparatus G. W. Goddard 
1,942,161 1/ 2/34 Camera Mount W. A. Black 
1,953,304 4/ 3/34 Mount for Aerial Cameras and Method F. W. Lutz 
of Aerial Photography 
1,974,842 9/25/34 Camera W. A. Black 
25032, 380 3/ 3/36 Electrically Operated Camera Shutter A. W. Stevens 
2,036,062 3/31/36 Camera Positioning Device F. W. Lutz 
2,048,439 7/21/36 Photographic Apparatus S. M. Fairchild 
2,055,089 9/22/36 Surge Timing System for Electromag- H. C. Roters 
netic Devices 
2,104,778 1/11/38 Plotting Device B. B. Talley 
2,104,976 1/11/38 Apparatus for Aerial Photography L. T. Eliel 
2,130,793 9/20/38 Multiple Transforming Printer L. T. Eliel 
2,131,926 10/ 4/38 Camera Magazine E. C. Weiblen and 
I. W. Doyle 
2,210,090 8/ 6/40 Gyro-Stabilized Reference Point for F. W. Lutz and 
Cameras J. D. Peace, Jr. 
2,273,876 2/24/42 Apparatus for Indicating Tilt of F. W. Lutz and 
Cameras J. D. Peace, Jr. 
2,333,129 11/ 2/43 Map Plotting Device B. B. Talley 
2,363,643 11/28/44 Stereoscopic Plotting Instrument C. O. Cook 
2,393 851 1/29/46 Aerial Camera Mount J. A. Willis and 
E. P. Wheaton 
2,403,587 7/ 9/46 Camera Magazine I. W. Doyle and 
R. A. White 
graphs for precise stereoscopic topographic 
mapping by photogrammetric methods.” 
A unique development was the arrange- 
ment for recording time of exposure, ex- 
posure number, and altitude. 
After the war Fairchild developed the 
Cartographic Camera. Intensive use of the 

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