Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

ral Radiodontia. 
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jj. Tekn. Tidskr. 
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blocage du sym- 
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ntologica Scandi- 
rent purposes, 
netry, (d) bal- 
Zürich 1946. 
ian, Zürich 1950. 
d bearbeitet. Ver- 
ich 1948. 
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istrielle Organisa- 
en. (Thesis. Uni- 
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lague congress 
he Vienna Gas- 
swesen.» Fixed 
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» determination 
ial volume. 
The points mentioned under question No. 1. 
The points b), c), d) and e), mentioned under question 1, are new and 
have not been noted at the congress 1948. 
All German information dates back to 1938. 
All fields of photogrammetry, mentioned under question No. 1, with the 
exception of astronomy, are developed since 1948. 
(a) Geology (continued), (b) close-up photogrammetry for criminalistic 
and scientific purposes (continued), (¢) micro photogrammetry (especially 
in odontology) and (d) ballistics. 
Question No. 3: 
In what manner has this special photogrammetric work been organized 
in your country? 
(a) As research work and, in that case, where? 
(b) As administrative enterprises? Which are they? 
Research work is performed at »die Technischen Hochschulen Wien und 
Graz», at »die Hochschule für Bodenkultur in Wien», »das Bundesamt für 
Eich- und Vermessungswesen in Wien», »die Alpenphotogrammetrie 
G.m.b.H. Wels.» Research work by private persons is also executed by order 
of federal authorities. 
There is no special organization for the applications of special photo- 
grammetry mentioned above under question No. 1. (La) was carried out 
at »le Ministere des Travaux Publics», (1 b) at >l’Institut Géographique Mili- 
taire», ordered by »lInstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles». 
The applications (1a), (d) and (f) are currently used, but (b), (c) and (d) 
have not yet left the experimental stage. 
(a) Research work has been carried out at many universities. 

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