Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

La Société compte actuellement (1952) cent soixante-sept membres, répartis 
comme suit: 
11 membres d’honneur 
1 membre protecteur 
25 membres affiliés 
130 membres effectifs, dont 11 au Congo Belge. 
Son Président est Monsieur L. van der Ryt, Chef du Service de Phototopo- 
graphie à l’Institut Géographique Militaire. Le siège social est à Bruxelles, 155, 
rue de la Loi (Secrétaire: F. Cattelain, Ingénieur Directeur du Service de Topo- 
graphie et de Photogrammétrie du Ministére des Travaux Publics). 
The Society. 
Already in the 1920's there was some unofficial photogrammetric activity 
in our country, when people interested in photogrammetry met at the Institute 
of Technology in Helsinki. Formally the Finnish Society of Photogrammetry 
was founded on November 24th, 1931 and was accepted as a member of the 
International Society of Photogrammetry at the Congress in Paris 1934. The 
membership of our Society was in the beginning 16, from which it has by and 
by increased, comprising now 70 members. 
The chief form of our society's activity has been the meetings yearly two to 
four, at which besides our own members also many foreign photogrammetrists 
have lectured. 
Due to lack of means the society has not been in a position to publish any 
periodical review of its own, but in spite of that, the matter has been arranged 
by ordering reprints of photogrammetric articles published in other periodicals, 
for distribution among the members of the society. By interchange of publica- 
tions the society has got a slight library. 
In connection with the festivals of its 15th Annual Meeting in November 
1946 our society arranged an extensive photogrammetric Exhibition in Helsinki. 
Later on this exhibition was moved to three other towns. Since 1926 always 
some of the members of our society have been able to take part in the Congresses 
of the International Society of Photogrammetry occasionally as an official. 
As a honorary member the society in 1943 called the inventor of the finnish 
Horizon Method, Artillerygeneral V. P. Nenonen. 
All the time Mr. Aarne Rainesalo, Chief-Engineer has acted as President of 
the Finnish Society of Photogrammetry. At present 1952 the Vice President is 
Mr. K. G. Lofstrom, Eng. Lt.Col. and the other members of the board of direc- 
tors are Mr. V. Erola, Dr. Eng., Mr. S. Laurila, Dipl.Eng. and Mr. U. V. Helava, 
Dipl.Eng. Secretary-Treasurer is Mr. U. V. Helava, Dipl.-Eng. The address of 
the Society is Helsinki, Kirkkokatu 3. 

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