Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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President: Hofrat Ing. K. Neumaier 
Secretary: Dr. Ing. A. Barvir. 
First Session. 
Friday, 5" September 1952 15.45—17.00 p.m. 
After the opening of the session by the President, Hofrat Ing. Neumaier, 
Austria, the Secretary, Dr. Barvir, Austria, read the report of Commission VI; 
copies of this report, together with 7 appendixes have been already before dis- 
tributed among the delegates. Then the Secretary made known the matters in 
question the President will bring under discussion and pass a resolution. 
1. The multilingual dictionary consists of two different parts. The first 
part is the alphabetical register, containing the 6.272 words with their key 
numbers, alphabetically ordered in each of the eight provided languages. The 
second part will be the dictionary itself. There are two ways to publish this 
second part. The one is that the dictionary will be edited so that each key- 
number is.followed by the eight translations. The other possibility is, to edit 
the dictionary itself in two lingual-groups, each with the key-numbers. For 
instance English, French, German, Spanish in one volume and Italian, Portu- 
guese, Swedish, Polish in the other. 
2. It seems necessary that at this meeting a decision should be obtained, 
which language should be the leading language. 
3. Each national society, whose language is to be taken up into the diction- 
ary, should nominate a representative for the subject of the dictionary. 
These three propositions will be put to the floor, by the chairman of 
Commission VI. 
Prof. Schermerborn, Netherlands, gives his very thanks for the comprehen- 
sive and difficult work joint with the picking out of the words and the estab- 
lishment of the 62.000 fiches and blazoned the great services on behalf of the 
International Society. As yet the experiences in the polyglot dictionaries have 
shown that they mostly contain too few words. For this reason, he rather advises 
to continue the words picked out hitherto. Though the chosen words are yet 
counted according to the German alphabet, Prof. Schermerhorn asks the Com- 
mission to accomplish the enumeration again and to choose English as leading 
language; because just more people speak and understand English than German. 
Mr. J. ]. Klawe, Canada, Mr. David Landen, U.S.A. and Mr. Alirio Cor- 
nejo, El Salvador, agree on the opinion of Prof. Schermerhorn and also plead 
English to be the leading language. 
Prof. Poivilliers and Mr. M. R. Daniel of France, consider 6.000 words to 
be too much for the composition of a dictionary and propose to cancel all non- 
technical terms which occur in the everyday language. 
Director H. Hárry, Switzerland, moves to end the discussion, to profit by 
the experiences of the UNESCO in regard of documentation and 1) English to 
be the leading language, 2) to keep the number of the words as low as possible, 
3) to inquire for the experiences of the UNESCO concerning the drawing up 
and parting of a multilingual dictionary. 

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