Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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Dritte Sitzung: 
Freitag, den 12. September 1952, 9.00 bis 10,00 Uhr. 
Für Prof. G. H. Harding, U.S.A. hielt Mr. J. J. Deeg, U.S.A., eine Vorle- 
sung über *Photogrammetric Education In Ohio State University". 
Nach diesem Exposé sprach Prof. Schermerborn über die Erfolge des Trai- 
ning Centers in Delft, und plädierte mit aller Entschiedenheit für die engste Zu- 
sammenarbeit aller photogrammetrischen Ausbildungsanstalten der einzelnen 
Staaten und Kontinente. Anschließend verlas Mr. Duane Lyon eine kurze Ab- 
handlung über “Documentation Of Technical Literature”. 
Samstag, den 13. September 1952, 9.00 bis 10.00 Uhr. 
Nach kurzer Diskussion wurden die nachstehenden fünf Beschlüsse in der 
hier gegebenen Fassung einstimmig angenommen. 
A. Concerning the polyglot dictionary: 
1) The leading language of the polyglot dictionary should be English. 
2) The extent and the number of words to be included in the dictionary 
should be left to the discretion of the editors. However, due consideration 
should be given to suggestions of national societies contributing to the com- 
pilation of the dictionary. 
3) In editing the polyglot dictionary the proper agencies of UNESCO should 
be approached for advice to standard in editing international dictionaries. 
B. Concerning the bibliography of photogrammetric literature and patents: 
Each national society should prepare annually a bibliography of all photo- 
grammetric literature published and patents applied for in their country. 
The bibliography and list of patents should be forwarded annually to the 
chairman of Commission VI. 
The titles of the bibliography or list of patents should be followed by a 
concise résumé of the contents in at least two languages. 
C. In view of the educational efforts now in progress in various countries it is 
resolved to encourage these efforts by various means as advocated in the 
papers presented at the technical sessions. 
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