Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

762.3 Practical applications of lithographic processes 
3:31. Classified by type of lithographic plates used 
e311 Stone plates 
312 Metal plates 
22313 Plastic plates 
„314 Paper plates 
«315 Gelatin plates (Collotype.  Aquatone) 
ma Classified according to printing technique 
sk Offset lithography 
«322 Lithography in colors 
«325 Metal decorating 
«232^ Phototypography 
«25 Classified by material receiving printed image 
331 Paper 
«2232 Glass 
2323 Rubber 
+334 Metal 
+335 Cloth and textiles 
762.1 Premises concerned with printing with lithography 
ob Apparatus concerned with printing and lithography 
6 Materials concerned with printing with lithography 
763 Gravure (Printing from depressed printing surfaces) 
> General principles and theory 
À Techniques and processes 
+21 Preparation of printing plates 
"22 Preparation of surface for receipt of image 
«23 Preparation of the image on the printing plate 
„231 Mechanical processes 
«2223 Photographic processes 
ed Line processes 
.2 Half-tone processes 
«9 Color-separation 
24 Plate multiplication processes 
85 Proofing and proving 
3 Practical applications of gravure processes 
„31 Classified by type of gravure plates used 
33 Classified by printing technique 
25 Classified by material receiving printed image 
763.1 Premises concerned with printing by gravure 
5 Apparatus concerned with printing by gravure 
+ Materials concerned with printing by gravure 
7614 Miscellaneous printing and duplicating methods 
+ Printing from perforated stencils 

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