Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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Fic. 13. A “Texture Scale” of possible use to the photo-interpreter in determining or 
describing the photographic texture of objects. For further explanation, see text. 
(4) Texture Scales. Texture, as applied to a photographic image, relates to 
the frequency of tone change within the image. Texture is produced by an ag- 
gregate of unit features too small to be clearly discerned individually on the 
Frc. 14. Illustration of the manner in which 
a crude type of “Texture Scale’ might be quickly 
prepared from a single oblique photograph. 
photograph. As the photographic scale 
progressively diminishes, texture of a 
given object becomes progressively 
finer and eventually disappears (Fig- 
ures 13 and 14). To the authors’ knowl- 
edge, a texture scale analogous to the 
commonly-used tone, size, and density 
scales has never been devised for use 
by the interpreter. Such a scale would 
seem to be of great potential value in 
that, unlike tone, the texture of a 
photographic image is not greatly de- 
pendent upon correctness of photo- 
graphic exposure, processing and print- 
ing. In Figure 13, a crude sort of 
texture scale is presented by depicting 
the same groups of objects at 10 dif- 
ferent scales. In using such a scale, the 
texture of the photo image in question 
might be compared with that of the 
field just to the right of center in each 
of these ten illustrations. Its texture 
might then be designated by a number 
corresponding to that of the illustra- 
tion which it most closely matches. It 
will be noted in Figure 13 that at the 
largest scale (1/1,000) the individual 
branches of the trees contribute to 
texture of the tree crown, while at the 
smallest scale (1/10,000) the trees 
themselves are at the threshold of 
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