Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

length to crypto-analysis in the radio reconnaissance service, and its purpose is to | 
s, one gather intelligence of strategic, tactical and technical importance. | 
w the The interpretation can be done in direct connection with the reconnaissance | 
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Fic. 5. The same persons as in Fig. 3, photographed with the 250 cm. camera at a distance 
of more than one mile. The car is only a little nearer. 
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FrG. 6. Enlarged photo detail from Fig. 5. 8 Fig. 7. Enlarged photo detail from Fig. 5. 
re the Notice the stubs on the post and the flowers The details of the car, for instance the handle 
in the grass. Mr. Aulin is, as can be seen, wear- of the door, show in spite of the great dis- 
tance of about one mile. The driver is taking 
ing sunglasses. 
his chance to overhaul the engine.* 
n and - photography, or, more correctly expressed, after the processing to be used as a 
zraphs basis for a first phase report. In this case, the film, which is perhaps still wet, 1s 
ng the * In the 4^ X6" photoprint it was possible to see the belt loops on the driver's trousers and 
'spond also single blades of straw to the left of the back wheel.—Ed. 

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