Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

vig an der Ruhr: »Das 
ie Röntgenbildmessung 
rolumétriques dans des 
sation d’une nouvelle 
un stéréocartographe 
photogrammétrique des 
ammetric Dip Calcula- 
a Special Case of the 
ced in General Photo- 
a Special Case of the 
1 Suggested Solutions». 
r Aerial Photographic 
etry shall be more 
' many possibilities 
, energetic informa- 
'ountries, and that 
antage from using 
informed about its 
iction and training 
nly in a few coun- 
n there is no litera- 
al photogrammetry 
s X-ray photogram- 
it deserves. This is 
ct that enough ex- 
-operation between 
much desirable in 
. falls under Com- 
Iso in this domain 
oresters and a co- 
the 7th International Congress on Photogrammetry, 
in Washington, U.S.A., 4/9—16/9 1952 
B. Hallert and P. O. Fagerholm. 
Presidency: President Prof. Dr. Bertil Hallert. 
Secretary Dr. Per Olof Fagerholm. 
Sessions: IL: 5/9 14.38 em, 
II: 9/9 14.05 e.m. 
11I::14/9.. 13.35..6.1. 
IV: 12/9..15.30..c.m. 
Communications: During the four sessions 11 communications, not counting 
introductory speeches and contributions to debates, were 
delivered on different branches of non-topographic photo- 
grammetry. Abstracts of these are given below. 
Professor Dr. B. Hallert. 
Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen. 
In a few words I hereby would like to extend greetings and welcome you 
to the first session of commission V of this congress. 
On behalf of the members of commission V and my fellow countrymen I 
would like to express our most sincere appreciation for the reception we have 
received in the United States and for the opportunity to participate in this 
wonderfully organized congress. 
As indicated in your programs my remarks will be limited to an introduc- 
tion to some of the major developments in Photogrammetry within the bounds 
of this commission. 
Assuming that most of you have copies of the commission V report, I will 
be as brief as possible. 
Undoubtedly there are many questions within the scope of the commission 
that could be discussed on this occasion. 
Photogrammetry, a wonderful science that embraces a very big field from 
astronomy to microscopy, is generally defined as the science of measurements 
with the aid of photographs in order to determine such geometrical properties 
as size, form, and position of features imaged. In fact the photogrammetric 
mapping of the earth is only a part of this big scope but nevertheless the most 
important. I think, however, we still do not sufficiently recognize the great 
possibilities of photogrammetry for purposes other than topographic mapping, 
sometimes called the non-topographic photogrammetry or special photogram- 
With the aid of photogrammetry we are able to determine distances of 

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