Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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In view of time limitations I should like to proceed directly to the reading 
of the first paper of today's program. 
After reading his paper entitled "Long Distance Photography in Ground 
Reconnaissance and the Possibilities it Gives for Photo Interpretation" Captain 
Thorèn also read a paper, by Major B. von Vegesack of the Swedish Army, 
entitled “Terrestrial Photographic Reconnaissance and Photo Interpretation 
from an Army Point of View." 
Thereafter, papers were given by C. G. Coleman and W. B. Cubby: J. H. 
Roscoe; E. L. Rabben; and P. E. Truesdell. 
The full text of each of the above papers, in English, and an abstract in 
French appear elsewhere in these Archives. 
In the three preceding sessions of this commission we have considered the 
various uses made of photographic interpretation in engineering, in natural 
resource inventory, and in military intelligence, respectively. Since certain as- 
pects of photo interpretation cut across all 3 of these fields, we are devoting this 
fourth and final session of Commission VII to a consideration of papers which 
for the most part are quite general in nature. The first of these papers will be 
given by Mr. C. A. J. von Frijtag Drabbe, Director of the Dutch Topographic 
Service, who will speak on the subject, “Techniques of Photo Interpretation.” 
Following Mr. von Drabbe’s presentation, papers also were given by M. M. 
Witenstein, H. J. O’Neill, S. M. Johnson, and A. H. Katz. 
The full text of each of the above papers, in English, and an abstract in 
French appear elsewhere in these Archives. 

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