Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

; are at known inter- 
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the following errors: 
he classical methods. 
> the relation among 
the ground surveys, 
vs in clear spaces of 
1s to be able to study 
followed by a more 
we interested in this 
struments and train 
vious ones will then 
their equipment for 
ator model B and 
phototheodolites model B. The respective models A are to be traced as far back 
as before the second world war. 
The Author relates the features of the new Omi instruments, and reviews 
the well known prizes of measurement of the parallax by Pulvrich’s stereosco- 
pical method and the original diagrammetric instrumental principle to which 
the considered type of stereocomparator is inspired. This design he considers 
as a generalization to the two plane coordinates of Abbe’s linear comparator. 
It is then stressed on the peculiar model of the phototheodolites, with 
asymetrical fields, which allows of a very good exploitment of the stereoscopical 
field of view, as compared to cameras having the same plate size. 
With reference to the extension of the field of view is then placed and 
solved the problem of the recording of one trajectory completely included 
within the field of stereo-view under normal conditions of terrestrial taking and 
within preestablished limits of accuracy. 
Referring to these conditions the Author expresses the errors which can be 
made in the coordinates of each point of the trajectory as a consequence of the 
errors which can affect the parameters of the problem itself. Its analytical 
solution leads through a variational consideration to a practical criterion for 
the choice of the length of the Bases for the taking of the exposures and of the 
position to be allotted to the origin of the trajectory as referred to its range 
and to the established limit of accuracy. 
Editor’s Note: The next paper given during the proceedings of Commission V 
was “Stereophotogrammetry and Studies of Movements,” by Max Zeller. This 
paper was furnished as a reprint for binding in the Archives and appears on page 
(486) — 86-1. The discussion of Mr Zeller’s paper consisted of the following: 
Mr. Hallert informed those present that good results had been obtained in 
Sweden by the use of a stroboscope, and asked the speaker if he had any 
experience from this means of assistance. Mr Zeller replied that he had not used 
a stroboscope. 

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