Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

the scale of a photograph i.e., the smaller the scale, the more limited the degree C 
of detail obtainable. It might be presumed, therefore, that only large-scale | 
photographs are desired for military usage, since they will yield the most pre- t 
cise detail. This is not true. Small-scale photographs have a distinct advantage I 
in that they cover more area and thus present a clear overall perspective. Large | y 
scale photographs, although more accurate for detail or precise metrics, may 
Fig. 8. Large scale aerial photo of a possible Fig. 9. Small scale photo of same camera as f 
amphibious landing site. Fig. 8. c 
| f 
| if used alone, present a misleading or imcomplete picture, since important en- t 
| vironmental, cultural, or physical aspects that relate or influence the objective a 
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may lie outside the limits of the photograph. 
Initially, then, the amphibious photographic interpreter desires small- V 
scale photography. This photography, usually vertical, may be at any scale 
from 1/20,000 to 1/40,000. It is used for general study of the terrain and for 
determining relationships between natural and cultural features throughout the 
Large-scale vertical photography (as large as practicable) is necessary for 
detailed study. For the analysis of detail, no interpreter has ever admitted that 
the photography he had to work with was of too large a scale. There are al- 
ways some items of information which could be better examined if the scale 
were larger. However, in practical reconnaissance over an enemy-held area the 
scale that can be obtained with normal types of cameras is limited and the 
interpreter must therefore be satisfied with less than optimum coverage. 
Oblique photography of the coastal area is helpful in resolving detail dif- 
ficult to interpret in vertical photography, as well as in checking relative 
heights of features. It is also extremely helpful in the preparation of water- 
level sketches for military beach maps, which aid the coxswain in finding the 
beach. Oblique photography may be used at a variety of scales and tilt angles 
and may be taken from aircraft, from surface craft or from submarines offshore. 
Color photography and other photographs taken with special films and 
filters are often desirable for specific interpretation jobs. Due to the difficulty 
of handling these types of photography in the field, their use is somewhat | 
limited, though it may be greater in the future. Certain of the exposure and 1 
process techniques cannot be released for publication at this time. Others have 
very limited application and will not be discussed here. 
For depth determination, photography is flown to unique and rigid spe- 
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