Full text: Actes du 7ième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (Troisième fascicule)

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5) sets forth 
aph. If time 
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| large scale 
r boat cox- 
swains, offshore and beach profile diagrams, and many types of presentations, 
are needed for D-Day planning. Each graphic must be clear, concise, and accu- 
rate in order to insure successful accomplishment of the mission assigned. 
In the final analysis, amphibious intelligence, like any other military intel- 
ligence, must be presented in such a manner that it can be easily understood and 
effectively applied by the planners of a combat operation. 
(1) C. G. Coleman, *Photographic Interpretation of Coasts and Beaches". 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XIV, No. 4 — Dec. 1948 — p. 463. 
(2) W. W. Williams, *The Determination of Gradients on Enemy-held Bea- 
ches". The Geographical Journal — July 1946, pp. 76-93. 
(3) A. C. Lundahl, *Underwater Depth Determination by Aerial Photo- 
graphy”, Photogrammetric Engineering. Vol. XIV, No. 4 — December 
1948, pp. 454-462. 
(4) R. N. Colwell, *Aerial Photographic Interpretation of Vegetation for Mili- 
tary Purposes", Photogrammetric Engineering Vol. XIV, No. 4 — Decem- 
ber 1943, pp. 472-481. 
(5) D. MacDonald, *Statistical Approach to the Evaluation of the Photo- 
graphic Image". Paper read before the convention of the American Society 
of Photogrammetry on 11 January 1952. 
(6) Col. Yu G. Makarov and LtCol. N. P. Rozhdestvin, 
* Aerofoto- Razvedivatelnaya Sluzhba". 
(Aerial Photo Reconnaissance Service). 
Military Publishing House of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the 
USSR, Moscow, 1947 pp. 212-214.

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