image?» Now the question is put in this way: »What is the contrast transmission
factor (in per cent) of an image-forming system for a sinusoidally varying
pattern of a certain number of lines per millimeter?» These ct-factors describe
the whole ct-function in terms of the number of lines per millimeter as abscissa.
The ct-functions have a very simple connection to object contrast, and it is
shown how certain image disturbances, as unsharpness due to motion, are calcu
lated into the same function.
A short review and bibliography is given of recent designs of practical appa
ratuses for obtaining these ct-functions, made in the United States in Great
Britain and in Sweden. Some of these equipments obtain a function which also
includes the photographic emulsion.
Interesting questions arise as to the relationships between the shape of the
ct-function and the practical information required from a picture, e. g., by an
image interpreter. Some results of a pilot research are given.
E. lngelstam tfc P. Hjelmström: Neue Richtlinien zur Angabe von Abbildungseigenschaften
mit Verwendung von KT-Funktionen, und ihre Beziehung zu praktischen Fragen der
Die Verwendung von Kontrasttransmissionsfunktionen (KT-Funktionen) wird wahrscheinlich die
Angaben von Auflösungsvermögen ersetzen. Man fragt hier nach der Prozentzahl, womit das abbil
dende System den Kontrast sinusförmig varierender Strichgitter einer bestimmten Anzahl von
Linien pro Millimeter wiedergibt. Die KT-Funktionen geben diese Prozentzahlen als Funktion der
Anzahl Striche pro Millimeter an. Die Beziehungen zum Objektkontrast und zu gewissen Störungen
der Abbildung sind mathematisch einfach berücksichtigt.
Eine kurze Übersicht von Apparatenkonstruktionen für KT-Aufnahmen wird gegeben. Wichtige
Fragen entstehen betreffs der Beziehung zwischen der Form der KT-Funktion und gewünschten
praktischen Informationen aus den Bildern; einige vorläufige Resultate werden gegeben.
Le Président ouvre la discussion sur cette conférence.
Mr. P. Hjelmström: Here on the screen is a graph contrast rendition at differ
ent frequences and of information obtained from image interpreters. I want to
point out the likeness between this last curve and the low-frequency-curves,
which correspond to the basic frequency of the target as imaged. There are
difficulties which have to be overcome since the lens acts as a low-pass filter.
So the images do not always give all the information which could physically
or optically be given. So we have to change a little this procedure and I hope
that in the future we will be able to refine the mathematic solution of corre
lating the ct-function with the information obtained by the interpreters.
Mr. P. Hjelmström projette un diagramme du rendu de contraste pour différentes fréquences et
une courbe d’information obtenue par l’interprétation de l’image. Cette dernière montre une ana
logie avec les courbes à basse fréquence. Les difficultés à surmonter viennent de ce que l’objectif
agit comme un filtre passe-bas.
Mr. R. W. Fish: I only want to ask Mr. Hjelmström how were the values for
information content in the photographs obtained?
Mr. P. Hjelmström: The amount of information was calculated by measuring
the probability of the incidence if the interpreter got the right answer to his
problem. He had to identify some objects and, since there were several inter
preters, one could calculate the probability of the correct answer; taking the a
priori information into account is done by estimating the probability that the
interpreter should have such and such object lying before him and that could
not be done otherwise here than by estimating the same figure for the whole
trial. So it came into the operations as a constant. Actually the ordinates of
that lower part of the slide are a function of the probability that the interpreter
should tell the right answer.
Mr. R. W. Fish demande comment ont été obtenues les valeurs qui caractérisent l’information
contenue dans les photographies. Mr. Hjelmström indique qu’on a utilisé plusieurs interprétateurs
dont l’un calculait la probabilité de réponse correcte dans l’identification de quelques objets. Les
ordonnées de la partie inférieure de la courbe sont fonction de la probabilité qu’a l’interprétateur
de donner une réponse correcte.