Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Prof. F. Doyle: May I ask the representative of the U.S.S.R., how is the 
camera calibration performed, by photographic or by visual means? 
Prof. A. Marussi: What is the angular aperture of the beam in the radio 
altimeter used? 
Mr. X: I would like to ask the Russian delegation, if in addition to using a 
radio method of determining aircraft heights, if they use any radio system for 
navigation and for the horizontal control of the aircraft’s position. 
Mr. G. C. Brock: I would like to ask the Soviet delegation, what was the 
contrast of the test object used to measure the emulsion resolving power. 
Mr. F. L. Corten: What is your emulsion speed? 
Mr. P. Lamboit: As Mr. Corten, I was going to ask the speed of the emulsion, 
but my other question is: the angle of 136°, which he referred to, is that an 
angle across the diagonal of the film or across the length of the film? 
Prof. A. Buchholtz: In der sowjetischen Fachliteratur findet sich die Angabe, 
dass der Streuungswinkel, unter dem die Wellen aus dem Radiohöhenmesser 
austreten, 30° beträgt. Ist diese Angabe zutreffend? 
M. J. Cruset: Il serait souhaitable d’avoir des documents, des photographies, 
pour juger de la qualité des images obtenues dans de telles conditions. 
Prof. F. Doyle: I would like to ask on the accuracy of the radar altimeter 
over what type of country was this accuracy measured, and does is vary? 
Mr. F. L. Corten: I would like to ask the Russian delegation whether the 
wide angle cameras (short focus Russar with extremely wide angle) are used 
mainly for bridging (aerotriangulation) and the mapping be done with other 
photographs at a different scale, or whether they are used for the complete 
mapping procedure. 
A second question is whether you are also using glass plate cameras or 
whether you use film cameras exclusively. 
Prof. Dr. M. Konch ine: 
1. The calibration of the cameras is done in laboratories on the optical 
benches, using specifical test objects, the targets. 
2. The wave-length of the radio altimeter RWTD is 60 cm. 
3. Yes, we use the radio-aid for horizontal control, but we use only those 
methods which are gone into practice. 
4. It is about the contrast of the target, and about the emulsion speed. The 
contrast of the target is the high contrast target only and the shape of the 
target is the old one, not the Cobb style, not the animate. As to the speed of 
the emulsion, there are different speeds, I cannot tell, they are so different but 
the speed mostly used is about 800. 
5. As to the angle, Prof. Buchholtz’ question: the angle of the radio altimeter 
they are always slips of the pen, so to say. It is not 30°, but 60° of course. 
6. The accuracy of the radio altimeter, the error of it is 1 meter but in 
mountainous areas the accuracy is smaller. 
Différentes personnes dont le Prof. F. Doyle, le Prof. A. Marussi, Mr. G. C. Brock, Mr. F. L. 
Corten, le Prof. A. Buchholtz, J. Cruset posent diverses questions au professeur Konchine qui 
répond: l’étalonnage des chambres est fait sur banc optique par voie photographique ou par examen 
visuel, la longueur d’onde d’émission du RWTD est 60 cm, les aides électroniques sont utilisées 
pour la détermination planimétrique des points de mise en place, les mires utilisées sont à grand 
contraste. Il existe diverses émulsions dont certaines ont une rapidité de 800. L’angle du radio- 
altimètre est de 60°, la précision d’un mètre n’est naturellement pas atteinte dans les régions à 
relief prononcé. 

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