Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

it were foreseen, for instance that the exhibition could be kept closed in the morning, but open 
in the evening until 7 p. m., with a further possibility to leave Congress-members free for 2 after 
The Chairman received from Dr. D. Chervet (Switzerland) a draft proposal which the working 
party had no opportunity of discussing, as it was sumbitted too late. Dr. Chervet comments his 
proposal which is unanimously adopted, as follows. 
V — Commission I expresses the wish that, on the basis of encouraging results already obtained, 
trials on registration of the horizon be extended to other countries. 
The Chairman received during the present meeting a proposal by Mr. Corten who wished, as it 
had been already mentioned at the Washington Congress in 1952, for more importance to be given 
to all problems connected with navigation. However, as only few members had spoken on the 
matter at the present Congress, it does not seem to be necessary that an additional resolution be 
drafted since in accordance with a wish from the future I. S. P. President the themes to be 
discussed will have to be determined, over the next two years. Subjects which were not adopted in 
Stockholm could easily be suggested again at this opportunity. 
As no more questions were asked, M. Cruset thanked all participants and closed the sessions of 
Commission I.

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