Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Some years ago, the author had supplied his Stereocartograph mod. Ill 
(since replaced by mod. IV) with a device suitable to keep in the eyepiece field 
the two partial images automatically oriented with one another, according to 
the points of intersection of the epipolar planes. (Italian patent n. 341 017 dtd 
Sept. 20, 1933 English patent n. 444 638 etc.) 
Normal, moderately convergent angle cameras being used at the time, the 
problems of neither scale variation nor image deformation were then taken into, 
consideration by the author. 
Recently, however, under the new conditions propounded by wide-angle, 
strong convergency (40°) cameras, the problem was freshly investigated by the 
author. A new instrument was devised and manufactured at Officine Galileo, 
Florence which represents a development of the Stereosimplex III and has been 
named Stereosimplex Illb. 
The new instrument affords the solution to both the problems mentioned 
above (equalizing of the magnification of both eye piece images in the Y direc 
tion and reciprocal orientation according to the epi-polar plane points of inter 
section). Moreover, some new anamorphosing optical devices have been included 
to compensate in the eyepiece field itself, for the residual differences of mag 
nification in the X direction. These devices provide also correction for the 
angular deformation of the images owing to which for instance, a figure rec 
tangular in the object space results rhomboidal in the two images and with 
opposed tilt. 
The latter device is essential to provide a correct stereoscopic vision which 
would otherwise result defective or even impossible at all. In any case the 
apparent ground tilt would result altered to such extent as to make topographic 
interpretation rather difficult. 
By means of this device stereoscopic observation results much easier and the 
emplacement of the apparent ground more correct: two features that contribute 
in a more effective utilization of strongly convergent, wide-angle photographs, 
when used with first order plotting instruments. 
Modification des appareils de restitution à projection mécanique pour permettre 
l’utilisation des prises de vues convergentes 
L’auteur a étudié la possibilité d’adapter les appareils de restitution à projection mécanique pour 
la restitution de prises de vues grandangulaires convergents. 
Avec ses dessins les Officine Galileo de Florence ont dernièrement fabriqué un appareil de restitu 
tion, le Stéreosimplex Mb qui par la plus grande partie est identique au Stéreosimplex III normal. 
La Stéreosimplex Mb est équipé des dispositifs automatiques suivantes qui sont destinés à 
améliorer l’observation stéréoscopique: 
a) — dispositif pancratique qui permet d’égaliser dans le champ des oculaires l’agrandissement 
des deux images du terrain — 
b) — dispositif mécanique qui fait tourner les prismes de Amici (Dove) dans le but d’orienter les 
dites images selon les tracés des plans nucleaux — 
c) — dispositif optique anamorphiseur destiné à la correction des déformations angulaires des dites 
images. — 
La parole est donnée à M. J. Sutor, Allemagne, pour la communication »Ent- J. Sutor: Entzemmg 
zerrung nach Einstelhlaten» (Bestimmung der äusseren Orienterung durch 
Bildvergleich unter Berücksichtigung der Geländehöhen). Resume: 
Nachdem es möglich geworden ist, die Bildverschiebungen bei Entzerrungs 
geräten automatisch zu steuern, hat das Entzerrungsverfahren nach Einstell 
daten wesentlich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Zur Lösung der Aufgabe werden 3 
Grundoperationen vorgeschlagen: 
1. Die Berechnung des Polygons, das aus den Geländepunkten gebildet wird, 
die sich als Bildhauptpunkte abbilden. 
nach Einstelldaten. 
(Pubi. XSl) 

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