Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

3. Other material (General Reports, National Reports, off-prints of papers) 
was expected to be available by the time of the Congress or earlier and could 
therefore be compiled at an early stage. For the inhomogeneous off-print material 
(rules on paper size etc. were prescribed but not expected to be observed 100 %) 
two types of binding should be provided, one in which the recipient himself 
would put in the off-prints, the other of more conventional type. It was calcu 
lated that the first of these would be cheaper, and would be available at the 
Since the principles derived from this analysis only involved re-grouping the 
material, the Administration considered that this could be done, especially since 
it was a pre-requisite to printing of the summaries. On the other hand the 
Administration did not find it possible to accept the proposed number of Photo- 
grammetria, intended to contain all papers presented at the Congress, as a 
corporate part of the Archives. Upon later consideration of the immense amount 
of off-prints and the fact that the limited congress number of Photogrammetria 
did not arrive until during the Congress, this point of view proved to be a 
fortunate one. However, the new principles adopted for organisation of future 
congresses will bring about an entirely new situation and require unprejudiced 
When the dead-line for announcement of off-prints was passed, only a very 
small number of off-prints had been announced. At a much later time, just 
before the Congress, an optimistic estimate was made of the probable number 
and a folio was designed for 100, including a good margin. During and after 
the Congress however a number of interesting off-prints and reports were 
received, unexpectedly increasing the number to 131. For this reason the folio 
had unfortunately to be extended with extra cords by the subscribers them 
selves. The material for this is provided by us. 
After the Congress the work of compiling the reports etc. commenced. The 
old experience that international authorship consumes a great deal of time 
and suffers from many impedances was confirmed. Some gaps in the reports 
could be filled with the help of tape recordings etc. Most of the material has 
been submitted at some stage to the commission board concerned, but all 
the delays have meant that the editors have had to accept a large part of the 
responsibility and so errors and lack of clarity must be attributed equally to 
us and to the commission boards. I hope, however, that such inaccuracies are 
In concluding this account of the preparation of the Congress programme 
and the production of Volume XII of the Archives it is natural that I should 
name the persons who have unselfishly sacrificed a very great deal of time 
and effort to this work. I would like first to mention my wife, Mrs. G. Fagerholm 
and Mr. C. O. Ternryd, and then Mr. L. E. Lycken. Air. A. Ohlin, Air. A. Thun- 
berg, Mr. S. Holmgren and Mr. B. Helmont have devoted much time to sorting 
the 130 off-prints which altogether weighed about 10 tons. I wish also to thank 
Air. R. Bidmade, who has translated certain parts of the material. 
Negotiations with regard to the surplus edition have been conducted with 
the publisher of Volumes X end XI of the Archives (Hague and Washington), 
Uitgeverij Argus, Amsterdam. In view of the relatively large number of orders up 
to the present, Director Ditters has quite naturally expressed some hesitation, 
but has promised to assist in the sales. The surplus edition will be kept at the 
Photogrammetric Division of the Institute of Technology, address Stockholm 
70, by kind permission of Professor B. Hallert, and will be managed by the 
Swedish Society of Photogrammetry. 
Stockholm, April 1957. 
P. O. Fagerholm

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