decide upon photographic material and plotting equipment. It is only the test
area which is the same for all participants. On the other hand, the task of IS,P
is not only to do photogrammetric research but also to stimulate the use of
photogrammetry by undeveloped countries. Therefore besides »Essais contrôlés»
experiments as carried out up to this time by Commission IV — 2 should be
Ce n’est que la région qui est la même pour tous les participants, qui sont libres à choisir leur
photos et instruments. La SIP devrait stimuler l’emploi de la photogrammétrie dans les pays
moins développés, et pour cette raison les essais devraient être poursuivis.
Mr. Janicot: OEEPE is a research agency, whereas ISP encourages its members
to study problems which are of special interest to them. The main difficulty is
the selection of these problems and in the preparation of the test area. Speaking
for IGN, he promised full support and cooperation, as in the past.
La difficulté principale concerne le choix des problèmes et la préparation de la région. L’IGN
continuerait à fournir son appui et coopération.
Prof. Schermerhorn: Stressed the fact that the OEEPE studies not only
theoretical but also practical aspects of photogrammetry. In order to have a
greater variety of statistical material he suggested that countries like Canada
should make available the material of their experimental work.
Les études de l’OEEPE sont pratiques aussi bien que théoriques. Afin d’augmenter le matériel
statistique il serait utile si les pays comme le Canada mettaient à disposition les résultats de leurs
Chairman: Concluded the discussion, and introduced the next item viz. the
question of the best organization of Commission IV. In the discussion it was
generally agreed that the present organization is satisfactory, i.e. a subdivision
into three sub-commissions covering cadastral, urban, and small-scale mapping.
L’organisation actuelle de la commission est considérée satisfaisante.
Schermerhorn: With reference to the suggestion by Col. Andrews that an
interim meeting of Commission IV be considered, he suggested that an op
portunity will occur in connection with the International Geodetic and Geo
physical Congress in Toronto, Canada, in September, 1957.
Une occasion de tenir la réunion proposée de la commission pourrait être fournie au moment
du Congrès géodétique au Canada en 1957.
General agreement was expressed.
Joint Session II, III and IV July 20, 1956
For the minutes from the joint session of commissions IV, II and III about
small-scale-mapping, see Commission II, minutes of July 20, page 171, and
Commission III, page 21(5.
Session July 20, 1956, at 15.30 (b)
The President opened the session and declared that the subject would be
the »essais contrôlés» under sub-commission 1 of commission IV. Mr. Andrews
handed the meeting over to the head of sub-commission 1 on cadastral mapping,
Dr. H. Harry, Switzerland.
Hcirry: Rapport sur la
Photogrammétrie de
précision pour l’établisse
ment de plans cadastrais
aux échelles grandes.
(Publ. Arch. part 3)
Dr. Harry began with a report of commission IV: 1 entitled: »Rapport sur
la Photogrammétrie de précision pour rétablissement de plans cadastrais
aux échelles grandes». See also the General Report of Commission IV.