Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Prof. Doré, Italy, declared that: »La SIP doit s’occuper des problèmes 
importants mentionnés par Dr. Wassef. Il faut vaincre les difficultés d’ordre 
psychologique qui ont leur origine dans la distinction traditionelle entre erreurs 
accidentelles, considérées comme variables, et d’une distribution normale, et 
les erreurs systématiques. Le travail préalable est toujours l’analyse statistique 
préconisée par Dr. Wassef.» 
The ISP should consider the problems brought up by Dr. Wassef. The traditional distinction 
between accidental errors, considered as variables, and systematic errors, gives rises to difficulties 
of a psychological nature, that must be overcome. The preliminary work is always the statistical 
analysis recommended by Dr. Wassef. 
Dr. Wassef: »Prof. Hallert mentioned that much of the statistical procedure 
is given in Jordan-Eggert, but I think there has been great development in 
statistical methods in the passed 10 or 20 years that probably are not included 
in Jordan-Eggert. Regarding the use of the method of least squares for adjust 
ment I think I agree fully with Prof. Hallert that it can only be used after we 
have made an analysis of the error to find out whether the method of least 
squares depends on the pure accidental error and is applicable to whatever we 
are going to adjust. 
Les méthodes statistiques ont certainement subi une forte évolution pendant les dernières 10—20 
années, et tous les éléments nouveaux ne se trouvent pas dans l’oeuvre citée par M. Hallert. Il est 
vrai que la méthode des moindres carrés ne doit être appliquée qu’après analyse de l’erreur. 
Miss N. Sokolova, U.S.S.R., was requested to deliver the second report from N. Sokolova: 
the delegation of the USSR, entitled: »Photogrammetric works in USSR». 
The photogrammetrists of the USSR use pictures taken in various scales by 
cameras equipped with wide and super-wide angle lenses. The work is performed 
by means of home-produced instruments designed to perform a whole process 
(in Russian called universal-instruments) and the differential ones. 
At present the aerotriangulation is performed by means of such instruments 
as the multiplex and the stereoprojector SPR of Prof .-Dr. Romano vsky. The 
projectors of our multiplexes have angles of view such as: 64°, 100° and 122°. 
The size of slides to be put in the projectors is G X 6 cm. The stereo-projector 
of Prof. Romanovsky is a new stereophotogrammetrical instrument with a high 
degree of accuracy. Its construction is based on the principles of affine projec 
tion. This instrument enables us to work with photographs of any angle value. 
The instrumental error of SPR is 1: 10 000 of the flight-height. 
There is another method of aerotriangulation practised in USSR. It is an 
analytical method called the Method of a Nondistortioned Model. For adjust 
ment of aerotriangulation nets the airborne elements of exterior orientation are 
used. In some cases of aero-radio-levelling, in order to increase the number of 
control points, a method of »Folgebildanschluss» is performed by means of the 
stereometer of Prof. Drobishev. 
For horizontal control there are such methods as photopolygonometry and 
graphical radial-triangulation. The method of photopolygonometry is based on 
the combination of photogrammetrical measurements of angles formed by the 
base lines and of lengths of bases. The latter task is performed by aid of the 
airborne readings of the radio-altimeter RWTD. 
By the differential method of map compilation the process of contour 
drawing and the process of map-compilation are separated. The basic instrument 
for contour-drawing is the topographical stereometer of Drobishev. It has 
special devices for the automatic correction of horizontal parallaxes. 
The topographical stereometer has a large field of view and allows the 
operator to see the stereoscopic model of the terrain and the drawn contour 
simultaneously. Therefore it is very convenient for contour-drawing in flat 
and wooded countries. 
The instrumental error of the topographical stereometer is H/6 000. 

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