Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

In high-montainous areas, in engineering works, in research work done for 
determination of the distortion of buildings and in studying historical monu 
ments, the methods of ground-photogrammetry are used. 
To summarise, photogrammetric work in the USSR is performed with instru 
ments and methods of different kinds. The choice of the correct type depends 
on the physical and geographical conditions and on the scale of the map to 
be constructed. In the USSR we have rejected the principle of rectification of 
the bunch of projecting rays in most instruments. The basic principle of the 
construction of these instruments is the automatic correction of point-coordinates. 
This enables us to use, for photogrammetric measurements, wide-angle photos. 
Les différents instruments et méthodes en usage dans l’URSS sont énumérés. Le principe de 
redressement des faisceaux de rayons projectants n’est pas employé dans la plupart des instruments, 
dont la construction est basée sur la correction automatique des points coordonnés. Ceci permet 
l’emploi de prises de vues à angle large. 
Time was then given for discussion of the last subject. 
Prof. Hallert, Sweden, asked Miss Sokolova how modern statistical methods 
are used in USSR for the treatment of errors in photogrammetry. 
The answer was that they are used in experimental and research work only. 
Les méthodes statistiques modernes sont employées, pour l’analyse des erreurs, seulement dans 
les expériences et recherches. 
Prof. Buchholtz, Germany, made the following remarks: »Das Differenzions 
verfahren umfasst nicht nur die Ergänzung der unerzerrten Bilder mit Höhen 
angaben, sondern auch die Reduktion auf den Grundriss durch zonenweise 
Entzerrung. Ist nicht deswegen das Universal verfahren bequemer? Welche 
Genauigkeit wird mit dem differenzierten Verfahren erzielt? Für welche Karten- 
masstäbe gelangt das differenzierte Verfahren zur Anwendung? 
Is not the universal process better than the differential one? What accuracy is obtained by the 
differential method? For what mapping scales is it successfully used? 
Miss Sokolova: »Auch in gebirgigem Gelände werden die üblichen Stereo 
methoden verwendet.» 
The usual stereo methods are employed also in mountainous territory. 
Resolution session on Thursday July 26, 1956 
The President opened the session. He emphasized the good cooperation be 
tween the three countries Switzerland, France and Canada, represented in the 
board of Commission IV during the past four years since the Washington 
congress. The experimental work had been successful and interesting. The results 
of the experiments would be published as soon as they were completed. 
The president then read the resolutions proposed by the commission board 
and underlined, according to the intention of the commission board, that the 
resolutions contained the experiences of the present board and thought that 
of value for the incoming board. The resolutions were of a broad nature. He 
suggested that further recommendations of a more particular nature be sub 
mitted in the form of recommendations and not resolutions. 
The resolutions are given on page 286.

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