Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

graphie information and constructing estimates of its predictive value regarding 
demographic and social characteristics of several American cities. Experimental 
tests, correlating photo and ground observations of a sample of residential 
subareas, indicated that the photo interpretation data were sufficiently accurate 
for classifying the subareas according to physical structural attributes statisti 
cally associated with many sociological variables. 
These same photo data items, including zonal location, residential structural 
types, dwelling-unit densities, and land use characteristics were then subjected 
to a series of ecological analyses of census tracts in six U. S. cities. Consistent 
relationships were found between the physical categories and social facts con 
cerning income class, occupational status, ethnic groupings, racial segregation, 
educational achievement and deviant behavior. While these findings demonstrated 
the usefulness of the photo data categories for describing the social topography 
of the city, they also indicated a generally limited predictive value for any one 
item treated as a single variable. 
A method of multivariate analysis, the Guttman scalogram technique, was 
then applied to similar data for Birmingham, Alabama. This phase of the 
research produced a mathematical model of the city considered as a complex 
socio-physical system. The results, in effect, revealed a high positive multiple 
correlation between the series of physical and social structural categories, and 
thus provided further supporting evidence of the utility of the aerial photo 
graphic method in urban social analysis. 
L’interprétation des photographies aériennes aux études sociologiques urbaines 
Cette communication discute la théorie, les procédés, et les résultats des recherches qui examinent 
les applications de la photographie aérienne à la sociologie urbaine. La notion d’une connexion 
»socio-physique» est au fond de l’hypothèse indiquant que l’interprétation des données sociales des 
photographies aériennes est une chose faisable. Cette idée reconnaît que les systèmes sociaux 
urbains se trouvent aux environs naturels et qu’ils sont characterisés par des dimensions physiques 
(comme l’espace et la distance) et par des constructions (comme l’habitat) qui conditionnent, 
limitent et rendent faciles les rapports sociaux. Le problème de la recherche concerne des définitions 
empiriques des connexions plurielles à employer en prédisant les données sociologiques des photo 
graphies. L’exactitude des données photographiques était mesurée en les comparant avec données 
obtenues par la reconnaissance terrestre. Les données photographiques étaient suffisament exactes 
pour classifier les zones de résidence aux catégories physiques associées avec plusieurs catégories 
sociales. Une analyse multi-variat, la technique »scalogram» après Guttman, était faite avec des 
données sociales et physiques pour Birmingham, Alabama. Cette phase de la recherche a produit 
un modèle mathématique de cette ville considérée comme un système complexe socio-physique. 
Les résultats indiquent l’utilité de l’interprétation des photographies aériennes aux études socio- 
logiques urbaines. 
M. Withenstein: Photo 
Sociometrics — the 
Application of Aerial 
Photography to Urban 
Administration and 
Planning Problems. 
(Publ. VII Wl) 
The following communication by Mr. M. Withenstein, of U.S.A., was read by 
title only, Photo Sociometrics — the Application of Aerial Photography to 
Urban Administration and Planning Problems. 
This is the third report in a continuing investigation to develop a methodolo 
gy for urban analysis from aerial photography, suited to the needs of urban 
administration and planning. 
The great advantage in using aerial photography (apart from low cost and 
economy for mapping) lies in providing the administrator with a powerful tool 
for analysing the dynamics of growth and direction for future development. 
The air photo provides the administrator with a general perspective of the 
city and its surrounding hinterland, useful in making comparative measure 
ments and evaluation of the economic base. It provides him with the capability 
for developing; detailed statistical data for the entire city on the structural 
arrangement, density of development, functional distribution, and pattern of 
movement; as well as engineering data on the topography of its site and suita 
bility for construction and utility extension.

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