Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

Swedish Representative 
Decca Navigator och Radar AB, 
Oxenstiernsgatan 13, Stockholm O 
33. Dennert & Pape. 
Juliusstrasse 10, Hamburg-Altona, Germany 
Chiefly orthogonal and polar coordinatographs of all 
sorts, planimeters of various types, and sliderules. 
Activities and Products 
Dennert & Pape specializes in the manufacture of 
mathematical and geodetic instruments such as levels, 
levelling staves, and theodolites. 
Swedish Representative 
AB Hafer, Upplandsgatan 20, Stockholm Va 
34. Hunting Aerosurveys Limited. 
6 Elstree Way, Boreham Wood, Herts, England 
C. P. M. Hunting 
F. L. Wills 
T. D. Wcatherhead 
P. G. Mott 
H. G. Dawe 
V. C. Robertson 
F. M. Hanna, P. S. C. Applied Research Ltd., Toronto 
R. A. Schlund, Aircraft Operating Co. Ltd., Johannes 
Samples of photographic work, photogrammetric map 
ping, and airborne geophysical surveys, carried out in 
all parts of the world. Examples of specialized studies 
using aerial survey techniques, in connection with 
agricultural, forest, mining, and engineering develop 
ment projects. A special section of the exhibit is devot 
ed to the Airborne Profile Recorder. 
Activities and Products 
The operating companies of the Hunting Aerial Sur 
vey Group are based at points around the globe, pro 
viding a truly world-wide service. The services avail 
able include aerial photography, (both vertical and 
oblique), preparation of photomosaics, all types of 
photogrammetric mapping; airborne geophysical sur 
veying with magnetometer, electromagnetic detector, 
and radiation counter; topographical, architectural, and 
engineering model-making; specialist studies for agri 
cultural, geological, and forest development projects. 
Many of the items of specialist equipment used, for 
example the Airborne Profile Recorder (A. P. R.) and 
the Electromagnetic Detector, have been designed and 
built by an associated Hunting Company, P. S. C. 
Applied Research Ltd. of Canada. 
35. Hycon Aerial Surveys, Inc. 
1020—1030 S. Arroyo Parkway 
Pasadena 2, Calif., U. S. A. 
A. E. Acker 
D. O. Wood 
Exhibit will consist of wall display of photographic 
enlargements and topographic maps, together with an 
artistic display of a globe depicting survey type work. 
Activities and Products 
Hycon Aerial Surveys, Inc. performs photogrammetric 
work of all kinds, including aerial mapping and the 
production of topographic and planimetric maps. Also 
performs geophysical survey work for the mining and 
petroleum industries, including magnetometer, scin 
tillometer, and electromagnetic surveys. Hycon Mfg. 
Company manufactures precision aerial cameras, auto 
matic stereo-plotting equipment, aircraft reconnais 
sance systems and photogrammetric equipment of 
all kinds. 
36. KLM Aerocarto N. V. 
Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, Holland 
Th. J. de Bruijn 
F. C. M. H. Loven 
P. J. van Leeuwen 
Selected projects and research findings. 
Activities and Products 
KLM Aerocarto N.V. is acting as contractors for 
aerial photography and surveys in the Netherlands and 
Uncontrolled and controlled photomosaics, in scales 
between 1:5,000 and 1:100,000, maps for various pur 
poses in scales between 1:1,000 and 1: 100,000 (delivery 
either as transparent originals or as multicolour printed 
37. Aero Service Corporation. 
210 East Courtland Street, Philadelphia 20, Pa, USA 
Virgil Kauffman

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