Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

July 16th 1956. 14.00-15.00 
Present: Major General R. LI. Brown 
L’Inspecteur Général R. Janicot 
President P. Mogensen 
Treasurer S. G. Moller 
Captain O. S. Reading 
Professor W. Schermerhorn 
Secretary-General P. O. Fagerholm. 
Proposed Agenda for Council Meeting I 
1. Agenda for Council Meeting 
2. Agenda for Delegate Meeting I 
3. Motions 1—11, preparatory discussion 
4. Further motions, procedure 
5. Other questions. 
Ordre du jour proposé 
1. Ordre du jour. 
2. Ordre du jour de la Réunion des Délégués I 
3. Motions 1—11, discussion préparatoire 
4. Autres motions, questions de procédure 
5. Questions diverses. 
The meeting was devoted to preparatory discussions for the subsequent 
Delegate Meeting. The Council decided to propose that the Delegate Meeting 
should discuss 23 items appearing on a special agenda given below. The motions 
referred to in the agenda had been submitted to the chief delegates announced 
by the member societies prior to the Congress and are given below in extenso. 
La réunion est consacrée aux discussions préparatoires à la réunion des délégués immédiatement 
suivante. Le Conseil décide de proposer à la réunion des délégués de discuter les 23 points indiqués 
à l’ordre du jour donné ci-dessous. Les motions y indiquées ont été soumises aux chefs de délégation 
nommés par les sociétés membres avant le Congrès, et sont données ci-après in extenso. 
Proposed Agenda for Delegate Meetings 
1. Agenda for the Delegate Meeting 
2. Each chief delegate introduces himself by name and country 
3. Brief summary of the activities of the ISP since the Washington Congress 
4. Voting procedures 
5. Congress and Exhibition organization 
6. Main features of the program, the interpretation and the Archives 
7. Information about the Brock medal 
8. Main features of the budget 
9. Which country shall be entrusted to organize the next congress? A pre 
liminary discussion. When shall the decision be made by the Delegate 
Meeting about a formal proposal to the General Assembly? 
10. Principles for discussion of the Motions Nos. 1/1956—11/1956. The Ad 
ministration proposes that motions requiring a general discussion be post 
poned to the following delegate meeting in order to enable the delegates 
to discuss such motions in smaller groups. 
11. Principles for the treatment of »new» motions. Every member society has 
been requested to make its proposals in advance. The Administration will 
not propose that eventual »new» motions be rejected but wishes to under 
line that »new» motions which have not been considered by all the delegates

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