Full text: Proceedings of the Congress (Part 1)

The proposal was adopted without discussion 
§ 8. The Secretary-General presented a proposal from the Delegate Meeting 
to appoint as Honorary Members of the ISP 
Professor W. Bauersfeld 
Professor G. Cassinis 
Inspecteur General L. Hurault 
Dr. h. c. II. Harry 
President P. Mogensen 
and the proposal was accepted with hearty applause. 
§ 9. The Secretary-General reported on the proposal of the Delegate Meeting 
on interpretation of § 3 of the Statutes of the ISP, that “more than one 
society from each country might be able to become a member of the ISP and 
that in such a case the societies would have to appoint a joint delegation. The 
joint delegation shall not be entitled to more than 10 votes”. The proposal was 
unanimously adopted. 
§ 10. The Secretary-General informed the Assembly of the Delegate Meeting 
proposal that the subscriptions should be paid in ordinary Swiss Francs. The 
General Assembly decided unanimously that the last sentence in § 12 
of the Statutes of the ISP should be as follows: “Account shall be rendered in 
Swiss Francs.” 
§ 11. The Secretary-General presented a draft resolution adopted by the 
Delegate Meeting in modified form, on coordination of experimental work 
as follows: “When experimental works or studies are undertaken between 
Congresses under the aegis of a Technical Commission, the Technical Commis 
sion initiating or executing such works may ask the Administration to set up 
a Board to coordinate and facilitate the project, and may especially find it 
desirable to do so when the project directly concerns more than one Commis 
sion.” The resolution was adopted unanimously. 
§ 12. In response to a proposal from the Delegate Meeting, the General 
Assembly appointed a Committee consisting of Mssrs. Brown, Harry, Janicot, 
Moiler, Reading and Schermerhorn “to revise the Statutes of the Brock award” 
§ 13. The Secretary-General presented the proposal of the Delegate Meeting 
for the addition of a paragraph 9 b to the Statutes of the ISP, on the procedure 
for submission and communication of Congress motions: “Paragraph 9 b. 
Motions to be submitted during Congresses for approval by the General 
Assembly of the ISP should be communicated to the Administration at least 
two months in advance. The Administration shall forward the motions with 
or without its comments to the chief delegates at least one month before the 
Congress, in order that the delegates may be able to examine the resolutions 
before the Chief Delegates’ Meeting at the Congress. Questions of great 
importance of which notice has not been given as herein stated may be 
submitted to the General Assembly if a delay should be of disadvantage to the 
activities of the ISP and if all Council members present agree or if there is a 
3/4 majority in favour at the Chief Delegates’ Meeting.” 
The proposal was unanimously adopted. 
§ 14. The Secretary-General presented the proposal of the Delegate Meeting 
on voting by post, and the General Assembly decided unanimously that, until 
completely revised Statutes were approved, a paragraph reading as follows 
should be introduced into the present Statutes: “Paragraph 9 c. In the time 
between the Congresses, any member of the ISP or member of the Council of 
the ISP shall be entitled to submit resolutions to the Administration and 
request that their resolutions be circulated to the other members for voting. 
45 days after mailing date (air-mail registered letter) the votes received will 
be counted. Votes from at least 10 members must have been sent in for a

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