Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

Stand 102B —cont. 
Stand 102B—cont. 
Stand 102 A—cont. 
Combined intervalometer and terrain viewer. 
Interchangeable cone for any other lens required. 
The Solar Periscope II. This instrument, designed for the Santoni method 
of aerial triangulation, enables one to determine the fore-and-aft and 
lateral tilts of the survey photographs. At the same instant as the survey 
camera photographs the terrain, the solar periscope takes a photograph 
of the sun and a precise chronometer. 
Using this system of determining the tilts of the photographs considerable 
saving in ground control can be achieved. 
The Stereoautographic Engineering Drawing Equipment. This completely 
new equipment, intended for the use of constructional engineers, is 
designed to produce engineering drawings from models or life-sized objects 
without the need for taking direct measurements of the objects themselves. 
The camera unit: Twin cameras of 9 cm.x6 cm. format and of focal 
length variable from 75 mm. to 85 mm. are mounted on a base allowing 
separation of from 200 mm. to 600 mm. Base value may be read to 0-1 mm. 
The cameras may be converged to a maximum of J5° and the plane of 
their axes may be rotated up to i 10° from the horizontal. 
Shutter speeds: 1 second to 1/200 of a second. 
Single control for film movement and shutter operation ensures 
The drawing instrument: This is based on the Stereosimplex IIB second 
order plotter. A single coordinatograph links the projected photographic 
model to two drawing tables situated one each side of the operator, thus 
enabling both plan and elevational drawings to be made at either the same 
scale as the object photographed or at a reduced or an enlarged scale. 
Activities and Products 
Research, design and the manufacture of photogrammetric equipment is 
carried out by the Galileo-Santoni division of Officine Galileo and a 
complete photogrammetric service, using Galileo-Santoni equipment, is 
offered by E.I.R.A., an associated company of Officine Galileo. 
Ottico Meccanica Italiana STAND 102B 
Via della Vasca Navale 81, Roma, Italy Examination Hall 
Gordon Square 
Second Floor 
Representatives: O.M.I. Instruments (Great Britain) Ltd. 
“Nistri” Photostereograph Model BETA/2. Universal first-order plotter 
operating on the Porro-Koppe principle. Luminous floating marks. 
Electrical control and Veltropolo. Allows the simultaneous tracing of 
planimetries and profiles. Automatic coordinate recording, at different 
scales for planimetry and altimetry. 
“Nistri” Stereocomparator Model ТАЗ. Stereocomparator for analytical 
aerial triangulation having three photographs, for stereoscopic observa 
tion, on adjacent stereograms. Automatic recording as well as automatic 
photographic recording of the observed point. 
“Nistri” Photocartograph Model VI (Photomapper). Aerial photogram 
metric plotter with anaglyphic observation; altimétrie mean error not 
worse than 0T0 per thousand. Photographs of original format. Great 
luminosity. Plotting of converging photographs up to 40°. The Nistri 
Electric Coordinate Assemblies can be used in conjunction with this 
“Nistri” Telescopic Photoprinter-Rectifier (Telerectoprinter). This instru 
ment is designed for projection transformation of the inner orientation 
of original photographs on the Porro-Koppe principle; it can also 
simultaneously transform the exposure external orientation, in which case 
the reproduced photographs are nadiral with an accuracy corresponding 
to that of the recorded nadir point. 
Activities and Products 
O.M.I., Rome, has been manufacturing Photogrammetric instruments 
since 1919 utilising designs and patents of Ing. Umberto Nistri, one of 
the pioneers in the Air Survey field. In 1948, after the difficulties of the 
last world war and the post-war period were over, O.M.I. commenced 
designs for a new range of photogrammetric instruments so that today, 
embodying as they do the fruits of subsequent experience and develop 
ment work, they represent possibly the widest range produced by any 
single manufacturer. 
The new range of instruments, although based on the fundamental 
principles with which Ing. Nistri started, embody the result of forty years’ 

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