Stand 110—cont.
Stand 109—cont.
small-scale mapping. Residual distortion, and the effects of earth curvature
and atmospheric refraction for the altitude of the photographic flight are
eliminated by the use of correction plates in the diapositive printer.
Displayed with the small (28 in. x 28 in.) plotting table and provided with
contact mechanisms for connexion to the EK 3 Coordinate Printer. A
small plotting table can be supplied which stands at an angle to the
Autograph, nearer to the operator’s chair. Any of the three tables shown
with the A7, A8 and A9*can be supplied with any of these Autographs.
WILD 58 Allograph. A new small cartographic instrument with rigorous
geometrical solution, for plotting from wide-angle and super-wide angle
photography of up to 9 in.x9 in. format. This new one-operator plotter
is normally equipped with an attached table and a pantograph of new
design, for enlargement or reduction from the direct plotting: table and
pantograph are not displayed because of lack of sufficient space. Designed
primarily for small- and medium-scale work, this instrument forms an
economical addition to the A7, A8 and A9 Autographs and the STK 1
Stereocomparator for detail plotting, being of moderate price and high
accuracy. Residual distortion in the photographic camera, and the
effects of earth curvature and atmospheric refraction, if not eliminated in
the diapositive printing process, can be corrected for by the use of correc
tion plates in the B8.
WILD B9 Allograph. A new small cartographic instrument incorporating
the rigorous geometrical solution for plotting from reduced-size (4-5 in. x
4-5 in.) diapositives of super-wide-angle photographs. Designed for small-
scale mapping, the B9 is for economical detail plotting from the pictures
used for aerotriangulation in the A9. The plotting is done either directly at
the tracing table, or alongside, using a reduction pantograph. Residual
distortion of the photographic camera, plus the effects of earth curvature
and atmospheric refraction, are eliminated by using correction plates in
the diapositive printer.
WILD STK 1 Stereocomparator. For precision measurement and auto
matic recording (by means of the EK 4 Electric Coordinate Printer) of
rectangular picture coordinates and coordinate differences in stereoscopic
pairs for analytical determination of the outer orientation of aerial photo
graphs and of the ground coordinates of the photographed area. This
instrument is used in aerial photogrammetry, physics, astronomy, ballistic
engineering and many other branches of applied science. Coordinates
are recorded to two microns, but can be read to one micron on the dials.
Geodetic Instruments
Several WILD Theodolites are exhibited. These are the T4 Universal
Instrument, the famous T3, T2 and T16 Theodolites, the TIA with new
automatic vertical collimation, and the TO Compass Theodolite; and
also the RDH and RDS Reduction Tacheometers for horizontal and
vertical staff, respectively.
3 25
Stand 109 —cont.
The WILD P 30 Phototheodolite is displayed. This is for terrestrial photo- ¡7»
grammetry: a combination of the famous WILD T2 Theodolite reading
directly to 1 in. and a tilting camera with the new Compur shutter for plate
size 3-9 in. x 5-9 in.; f = 6| in.
Four WILD Levels, which cover all levelling requirements, are shown
together with various staves; also the TM 10 Rangefinder (50 cm. or 19-7 in.
base), and the DL 1 Roof Plummet, for measurement of the amount of
roof projection beyond the foundations of buildings.
In the exhibit there are many accessories to the instruments mentioned
Several models of WILD microscopes have been adapted especially for
photo-interpretation purposes. On show are the M4 and M5 Stereo
microscopes, and two different models of the M5 Special USA Stereo
WILD Heerbrugg Ltd manufacture optical instruments for precision
measurements in photogrammetry, surveying and microscopy, and for
military, industrial and laboratory purposes. Certain mechanical and
electro-mechanical instruments, for example drawing sets and the SL 15
Tape Punch, are included in our production programme, these being
essential accessories for the recording of measurements.
The WILD factory, which has produced many thousands of fine modern
instruments since it was established forty years ago, is situated in the
beautiful rural surroundings of the Rhine Valley in north-east Switzerland.
Decca Navigator Company Limited
9 Albert Embankment, London S.E.ll
Representatives: H. H. B. Capes J. M. Thomson
C. Powell W. St. J. White
Examination Hall
Gordon Square
Third Floor
Decca Navigator survey equipment. Comprising units of the transmitting
stations, together with marine and airborne receivers and automatic
Decca “Lambda” hydrographic survey equipment. Comprising shipborne
installation and units of the shore-based transmitting station.
Decca “Hi-Fix” survey equipment. Comprising a transmitting station, a
receiver and an indicator unit.