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Stand 117A —cont.
The film magazines for negative size 18 cm. x 18 cm. (7 in. x7 in.) and
23 cm. x23 cm. (9 in. x 9 in.) take aerial films up to 120 m. (400 ft.) of
non-perforated film. Film flattening in the focal plane is achieved by a
specially developed vacuum system.
The universal Intervalometer IRU is used for overlap control. The large
screen allows observation with both eyes and easy synchronising of the
small splines moving over the screen.
Statoskop. For precise indication and recording of height differences
between the various air stations in a flight strip. This device is of special
importance for aerotriangulation and aerial levelling.
Aerial Laboratory Instruments
Film Developing Outfit FE 120. For aerial film up to 23 cm. (9^ in.) width
and 120 m. (400 ft.) length operated with a transformer designed for 220
or 110 mains voltage at a hazardless safety voltage of 42 volts, automatic
winding back and forth without putting undue stress on the film.
Film Dryer TG 24. For quick automatic drying of film strips up to 120 m.
(400 ft.) length and up to 24 cm. (9^ in.) width.
Light Box. For examination of aerial films. The mechanism guarantees
perfect rewinding of roll films avoiding any scratches and damages.
Contact Printer KG 30. For copying of single negatives up to 30 cm. x
30 cm. (12 in. x 12 in.) and roll films of 32 cm. (12| in.) width and up to
120 m. (400 ft.) length. A perfect contact of film negatives or plates with
the sensitised material is obtained by means of an air cushion built into the
pressure plate. Individual adjustment of illumination for compensating
differences in the density of the negatives by 39 blue surface glow lamps,
which can be switched on individually and in groups.
Stereoplotting Instruments
Stereoplanigraph C 8. The universal instrument of high precision for
aerotriangulation and large-scale graphical and numerical plotting, for
cadastral survey and other large-scale work. The equipment permits
plotting of normal and wide-angle photography as well as convergent
photography of all well-known aerial survey cameras up to negative size
of 23 cm. x 23 cm. (9 in. x 9 in.) and focal length up to 310 mm. (12 in.).
The coordinate printer is included in the normal outfit of the Stereoplani
graph C 8. Instead of the mechanical coordinate printer the new electro
magnetic recording unit Ecomat can be attached to the Stereoplanigraph
on special request.
Profile Measuring Unit. An attachment to the Stereoplanigraph C 8 for
numerical and graphical recording of profiles.
Stand 117A —cont.
Precision Stereocomparator PSK. For measuring of picture coordinates
in numerical photogrammetry. High accuracy is achieved by adhering to
Abbe’s comparator principle. Table-top instrument of minimum space
requirement and light weight, compact design, well protected against dust.
All control elements at your finger tips for convenient operation. Entire
equipment largely insensitive to temperature differences. Standard
equipment with built-in magnetic counter for recording on punched cards
and punched tape. The PSK will be introduced and demonstrated for the
first time during the Congress Exhibition.
Aeromat. A new 2nd order stereoplotter with optic-electronic guide system
for precision plotting in large and medium scales. Also for plotting of
super-wide-angle photographs. Comfortable operation, compact design.
The plotting instrument and the drawing table form one unit. The Aeromat
will be shown for the first time during the Exhibition.
Automatic Coordinatograph. For rapid and reliable plotting of large
numbers of points whose coordinates are indicated on punched cards, in
connexion with cadastral surveys and plotting of large-scale plans, to be
used with I.B.M. 024 card punch.
Planitop. For the topographic mapping at medium and small scale. For
observation a prism-stereoscope is built in. Altiplanimetric errors due to
picture tilt and differences in height are automatically compensated by
electric analogue computers. It can be employed also for super-wide-angle
photography. The instrument is used either with paper contact prints or
diapositives. It is shown for the first time during the Exhibition.
Stereotope. The handy and simple stereoplotting instrument for the
elaboration of topographic maps at small scales with mechanical
computers. An additional attachment for diapositives is now available
and will be demonstrated at the stand.
Parallax Converter. Analogue computer for determining absolute heights
or height differences from parallax measurements. Auxiliary instrument
for all plotters working on the principle of parallax measurement.
Auxiliary Instruments for Stereoplotting
Ecomat. An electromagnetic recording unit for the Stereoplanigraph C 8
and the Precision Stereocomparator PSK. By means of the electro
magnetic counter the measuring data are registered by the automatic
typewriter and simultaneously recorded on punched cards or punched
tape. Thus all values can be fed directly into electronic computers for all
desired transformations and computations.
Reductor. A precision instrument for exact variation of scale within a
range of enlargement of 0-65 to 1-55 (standard-equipment) or 0T5 to 2-2
(with interchangeable lenses). The instrument serves at the same time for
the photographic elimination of distortion in mapping photography or the
transformation to the required distortion values by means of easily inter- _
changeable aspherical correction plates.
exhibition guide