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Itek Corporation
Waltham 54, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Representative: Dr. D. Macdonald
Literature and photographs.
Activities and Products
Itek scientists and engineers are combining the disciplines of optics,
electronics, photophysics, mathematics, human engineering and informa
tion sciences to create complex information-handling systems. These
systems collect, compress, code, index and store graphic or textual
information for automated retrieval and display. In the field of recon
naissance, vast numbers of acuity photographs are collected, processed,
stored, and searched virtually automatically and instantaneously.
Students Union
Malet Street
First Floor
Wray (Optical Works) Ltd. STAND 207
Ashgrove Road, Bromley, Kent Students Union
Malet Street
Representative: P. Bull First Floor
Wide-angle aerial survey lens 6 in. f/4-5. Designed for the FX 105 camera.
Range of lenses with focal lengths of 6 in., 12 in., 24 in., 36 in., and 48 in.
for air reconnaissance.
Binocular Magnifier in the powers of 10 x and 20 x with measuring scales.
This instrument has many uses including examination of negatives and
Map-measuring magnifier for detailed inspection of maps and charts with
self-contained graticule in 1/10th mm. Transparent base allows for
adequate illumination.
Photographic lenses for all cameras and technical purposes.
Activities and Products
(1) Makers of precision cameras including the Wrayflex 35 mm. eye-level
reflex and the Peckham-Wray 4x5 technical cameras.
Stand 207 —coni.
(2) Photographic lenses for amateur, professional, and commercial
(3) Lenses for the laboratory including 2 in. f/1 C.R.T. lens and a series
off/0-71 anastigmats.
(4) Lenses and optical equipment for the graphic arts, optical systems, and
instruments designed for special purposes.
(5) Prism binoculars and prismatic telescopes.
Students Union
Malet Street
First Floor
A. J. Haggata
J. E. Tuchfeld
L. Jackson
Williamson Manufacturing Co. Limited
Hawthorn Road, London N.W.10
Representatives: J. E. Odle
I. G. Hunter
Williamson Large Scale Plotter, Type L.S.P. Fills the gap between expen
sive first order machines and those designed primarily for small- and
medium-scale work. It may be used either for diapositive or positive
photographic plates and the new design of illumination gives a high
standard of interpretation. Two projectors each 127-5 focal length and f/27
fixed focus give a projection depth of focus of 150 mm. The lamp illumina
tion, which is variable, is concentrated on a small area, mechanical links
on the tracing table (a modified Williamson Mark 2) ensuring that the
area illuminated is that under observation by the operator. The plotting
table has an overall flatness of 0 0001 in. Each projector has BX, TIP,
TILT and SWING controls operated by extensors attached to the tracing
table. The Plotter has a field flatness of 0-1 mm. at the optimum projection
F.49, Mark 2 Survey Camera. Has a 6-in. wide-angle survey lens with a
precision reseau register glass of 1 cm. spaced crosses. This 9 in. sq. format
camera is in worldwide use for aerial survey and is the standard survey
camera for the Royal Air Force. An alternative model, the F.49, Mark 3,
has a 12 in. distortion-free lens. A 250 ft. magazine is now available in
addition to the standard 165 ft. magazine.
Williamson-Ross Multiplex Mapping Equipment (Type A.P.U.). A three-
projector version of the standard seven-projector unit using the same
high-illumination aspheric condenser-type projectors and with three
illumination control boxes providing independent control to each projector _
from any working position. ^