Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

Stand 211 —cont. 
Stand 209—cant. 
Williamson Tracing Table, Mark 2. Used in connexion with the multiplex 
mapping equipment, has interchangeable scales of high magnification 
projection to enable the operator to read to 0-1 mm., and to approximate 
to 0-01 mm. Various compensation adjustments are provided to ensure 
accurate operation. The Mark 2 model incorporates a condenser system 
which permits the floating mark to be viewed from all angles. 
Blink stereoscopic projection system. Entirely new principle. Four con 
tinuously rotating shutters; one on each projector head, other two 
mounted side-by-side for viewing the two superimposed images. Each 
viewing shutter receives light from one projector head only (by matching 
appropriate shutters), thus achieving the image separation equivalent to 
the colour filters of the standard anaglyph system. 
Activities and Products 
Williamson offer a range of precision air survey instruments and, backed 
by half a century of experience, it has always been early in the field of 
new development. 
Reduction Printer. Used in conjunction with the Multiplex Mapping 
Equipment for the production of diapositive plates from photographic 
film, it now has interchangeable optical heads so that the printer may be 
used with cameras having 6 in., 12 in., or distortion-free lenses. 
Enlarger Type R.A.O. III. Is for magnification or reduction up to 2f : 2 
from roll films up to 9| in. wide. Focusing is automatic and the lens 
and table angle may be adjusted to compensate for camera tilt. 
The Navigating Sight. Is a precision-built device that may be reversed 
quickly during flight to maintain a track on air horizon positions in the 
rear. A range of interchangeable graticules are available according to the 
camera lens employed. 
Air Reconnaissance Cameras. The 9 in. sq. format F.96 camera, the 
standard high-altitude day reconnaissance camera of the Royal Air Force, 
employs the principle of image movement compensation so that even when 
installed in high-speed aircraft the ground image is effectively stationary 
during exposure. The camera has interchangeable lenses of 6 in., 12 in., 
24 in., 36 in., and 48 in. focal length and alternative magazines of 250 ft., 
500 ft., and 1000 ft. capacity. 
Spotting Cameras. The latest spotting camera, the in. sq. format F.l 17 
Camera (primarily intended as a replacement for the F.24 camera) has 
a detachable magazine containing sufficient film for 120 exposures (50 ft.). 
Its f/4-5, 6 in. lens has a minimum aperture of f/22 and a between-lens 
two-blade shutter with speeds at 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, and 1/400 second. 
Various quickly interchangeable models are available; the F.117A— 
hand-held manual-operated; the F.l 17B—hand-held electrically rewound; 
the F.117C—as the F.117B but for remote installation; the F.117D—as 
the F.117C but with image movement compensation; the F.117E—as the 
F.l 17B but with an internal battery. 
4 41 
Kodak Limited STAND 210 
Kodak House, Kingsway, London W.C.2 Students Union 
Malet Street 
Representative: W. Long First Floor 
The main exhibits on the Kodak stand are a 30 in. x40 in. back-lit aerial 
“Ektachrome” transparency and a large colour photograph of the new 
flatness tester installed in the plate-making department at the Kodak 
works at Harrow. This apparatus is the first of its kind to be used in 
British industry, and can measure imperfections in the surfaces of glass 
sheets to an accuracy of one micron. Other panels show examples of 
vertical and oblique aerial photography. 
One wall of the stand is covered with a giant aerial photograph of the 
Kodak works at Harrow, showing the departments responsible for making 
the special materials used in photogrammetry. 
Activities and Products 
Kodak Limited manufacture photographic materials specially for use in 
photogrammetry. These include plates made on specially-selected and 
tested glass, films and papers on special bases having a high degree of 
dimensional stability, and chemicals formulated to produce the best 
possible negatives and positives from the emulsions used in this specialist 
“Kodak”, “Super-XX” and “Panatomic-X” aero films are produced in a 
wide variety of widths, lengths, core types, spoolings, perforations, etc., to 
suit every type of aerial camera used today. 
W. Ottway & Co. Ltd. 
Orion Works, Northfield Avenue, Ealing, W.13 
Representatives: W. H. Rayner 
A. J. Himsworth 
A. C. V. Meads 
P. Smith 
D. Botten 
Surveying instruments of our manufacture, also those of Otto Fennel of 
West Germany, including Vernier, Micrometer, one-second, lightweight 
and universal Theodolites. Lightweight, engineers’ and a self-levelling 
Contractor's Level. The Slotted Template Cutter designed to construct 
planimetrie maps from aerial photographs by the radial plot system. From 
STAND 211 
Students Union 
Malet Street 
Third Floor 

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