Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

This information he needed only in the broadest terms. He knew, he said, what 
an onerous task the running of a commission could be, and he hoped that, as in the 
past, there would be sufficient countries willing and able to undertake it. He urged 
delegates to give this matter their most careful consideration. 
The President then announced that under the rules of admission by postal 
vote nine new members had been admitted since the Stockholm Congress in 1956. 
They were: 
The Burma Survey Department 
The Institute of Topographical and Engineering Surveyors of South Africa 
The Polish Society of Photogrammetry 
The General Directorate of Mapping, Turkey 
The Military Geographical Institute, Argentina 
The Geographical Service, Tunisia 
The Geographical Service, Morocco 
The Director-General of Surveys, Iraq 
The Director of National Mapping, Australia. 
There was general applause and the delegates of these countries rose in turn 
to acknowledge the President’s greeting. 
The President announced that three further applications for membership had 
been received, from the Sudan, from Hungary, and from the German Democratic 
Republic. He invited the delegates of those countries to withdraw from the meeting 
for a short while; this they did. The Council, he said, had examined these applications 
and recommended their acceptance. They were now before the Delegates for con 
sideration. A vote was taken by show of hands and, nemine contradicente, the fol 
lowing were declared elected to membership: 
The Sudan Survey Department 
The Geodetic and Cartographic Institute of Hungary 
The Society for Photogrammetry in the German Democratic Republic. 
The delegates from these countries were re-admitted amidst general applause 
and greeted by the President. 
The President then spoke of the procedure for the Opening Session of the 
Congress and invited comments. He also invited suggestions for items, which any 
delegate thought could usefully be discussed, for inclusion on the agenda of sub 
sequent meetings. Mr T. J. Blachut suggested that the rendering of National Reports, 
which according to tradition have always been incorporated in the Archives, should 
be discontinued. He was invited to draft a resolution to that effect for subsequent 
The President thanked the Council for their support at the meeting and for all 
the preparatory work they had done; he also thanked the delegates for their par 
ticipation and their help. 
2nd Delegates Meeting held on Tuesday, 6th September, 1960 at Senate House, 
William Beveridge Hall 
In opening the meeting the President said that the meeting had several mat 
ters before it requiring decision, but that unless simple and agreeable decisions 
became obvious he proposed to treat the present meeting as primarily exploratory,

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