Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

Under the Statutes you cannot escape having three members from the host 
country, Portugal, one from the present host country, which unfortunately is your 
humble servant, and one from the present Council, who we recommend should be 
Dr Fagerholm. I will not enlarge upon his qualifications. The other two we recom 
mend are Mr Whitmore and Dr Harry. The Council would then consist of Dr Paes 
Clemente, who presumably will be the new President, a Secretary-General and a 
Treasurer from Portugal, together with Brown, Fagerholm, Whitmore, and Harry. 
We guarantee to quarrel with the greatest skill, but never to let you know we have 
done so. That is our proposition, and I would be very glad to hear your views. 
L must add one more word though. I have a letter from the Belgian delegate. 
It was put into my hand just before the meeting and I have read it with care, but it 
has not been discussed by the Council. I believe it possible that the words I have just 
spoken will be adequate response to this letter. 
Might I ask now for a word to be said about the two proposed new members, 
Dr Harry and Mr Whitmore. I am told they are not known to one or two of the 
Captain O. S. Reading: Mr Whitmore is the chief topographic engineer of the 
United States Geological Survey which is the principal civilian mapping agency in 
the United States. He has been a President of the American Society of Photogram- 
metry, of the Section on surveying and mapping of the American Society of Civil 
Engineers, and he was chief of the Tennessee Valley Authority surveys and mapping. 
He has written several books on photogrammetry and survey and mapping, and is a 
well-recognised authority. 
The President: Of course, it is not for those reasons alone that we propose 
him. We propose him as an individual in whom many of us have considerable faith 
that he will look after the affairs of the ISP without fear or favour. 
Captain O. S. Reading: I can second that most heartily. 
Prof Dr W. Schermerhorn: 1 might add a word about Mr Whitmore. He is a 
man who is highly interested and active in all problems of education in the field of 
photogrammetry and surveying. He took a very active part in this field in the 
United States and with several institutes outside the United States. 
The President: Does anyone wish to know what Dr Harry does? There can 
not surely be anyone who does not know him, so perhaps we can dispense with a 
recital of his qualifications for a seat on the Council. 
Dr H. Harry (Interpretation from French): Neither 1 nor Switzerland sought 
the appointment, but if selected I will be delighted to collaborate with the persons 
named and to work wholeheartedly with them. 
The President: That is the proposal. Does anyone wish to speak. 
The motion was carried by acclamation and a show of hands. 
President: We now come to a motion to create the new post of Vice-President 
ISP (Resolution 32, p 69). This, the President said, had been spoken of before in 
various contexts and it had been discussed by the Council. The Council were not 
quite ready with a final draft but would like to hear any views delegates might wish 
to express at the present time.

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