Full text: Executive & formal meetings, resolutions etc. (Part 1)

might like to know the purport of this proposal. It had the effect of saying that no 
more National Reports should be submitted to the Congress; in fact, of eliminating 
the National Reports altogether. 
Mr T. J. Blachut said that it was his understanding that, in view of the or 
ganisation of the work in the International Society, this proposal would automatically 
be referred to the Statutes Committee. He therefore agreed with the proposal to refer 
his motion to that Committee for further study. 
The Secretary-General then announced the procedure proposed for the 
Final Plenary Session that afternoon. 
The President announced that, as arranged, he would be meeting the outgoing 
and incoming Presidents of Commissions in the Court Room at the close of the 
present meeting, and he invited them to bring with them such other persons as they 
might wish. 
Mr van der Weele asked permission to raise the question whether any 
thought had been given to collecting ideas for improving the congresses, so that the 
lessons of this congress might be recorded while they were still fresh in people’s 
minds. This would be a great help in improving future congresses. 
The Secretary-General said that he and Mr van der Weele had evidently 
been thinking along the same lines. In the next few weeks he would be sending a 
circular letter to member societies asking just that question and inviting constructive 
criticism. He begged them not to throw his letter into the waste-paper basket, but to 
act upon it. 
The President thanked the delegates and closed the meeting.

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