I would ask Mr Wills, the President of the Photogrammetric Society of Great Britain,
to announce it.
Mr F. L. Wills (President of the Photogrammetric Society in London): I have
the honour to speak both on behalf of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
and on behalf of my own Society, joint hosts to this Congress.
Our two Societies had been desirous of offering to the International Society
some memento of their meeting in London in 1960. We have the permission of your
Delegates Meeting to offer to the International Society for Photogrammetry, formally
through the President, a badge of office to be worn by future Presidents of the
International Society at their discretion upon formal occasions.
I now formally ask you, Mr President, to enquire whether your Society is
prepared to accept this token. And I am able to say that, if so, the design will be
drawn up in conjunction with you, and that the badge will be made with the least
possible delay. It will most certainly be ready long before you meet again in 1964.
That the ISP accept with
gratitude the offer of their hosts
of the London Congress, the
Photogrammetric Society and the
Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors, to present to the ISP
a badge of office to be worn by
future Presidents of the ISP at
their discretion upon formal oc
Resolution 37 (Badge of office)
Que la S I P accepte avec grati
tude l’offre des hôtes du Congrès
de Londres, la Société de Photo-
grammétrie de Grande-Bretagne
et la „Royal Institution of Char
tered Surveyors”, de présenter à
la SI P un insigne destiné à être
porté par les futurs Présidents de
la SI P, à leur gré, lors de mani
festations officielles.
Die ISP nimmt mit Dank das
Angebot ihrer Gastgeber des Lon
doner Kongresses, der Photo
grammetric Society und der Royal
Institution of Chartered Survey
ors, an, der ISP ein Amtsab
zeichen zu überreichen, das von
zukünftigen Präsidenten der ISP
nach ihrem Ermessen zu formel
len Anlässen getragen werden soll.
The President: 1 am so glad that your applause make any words from me
unnecessary. As an Englishman, and as a member of both these Societies, I should
find it very difficult to speak adequately on your behalf about this.
The Secretary-General: Your Delegates Meeting has asked me to make
an announcement to this Assembly. Four new Members of the ISP have been
elected by the Delegates Meeting during this Congress. They are:
the Geodetic and Cartographic Society of Hungary
the Photogrammetric Society of the German Democratic Republic
the Photogrammetric Society of South Africa
the Survey Department, Sudan (General Applause)
The President: We now come to the next item on the Agenda, a closing
speech by the out-going President.
‘The time has come,’ the Walrus said,
‘To talk of many things:
Of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax -
Of cabbages - and kings -
And why the sea is boiling hot -
And whether pigs have wings.’
When we lack words, or ideas, the poets, particularly the humorous ones,
are often a help; for indeed I have prepared no formal speech for this occasion.
We are still too close to the events of the Congress to judge it effectively. But 1 have
the feeling that our gathering, if not ideal, has not been altogether unsuccessful. For
that, each one of you here must take some credit.
I have been really touched by your electing me an Honorary Member of the
Society. You have reserved this honour in the past for very few people. I am delighted
to join their ranks. T like, as you know, to treat whatever can advantageously be so
6 Archives I