Full text: General reports (Part 2)

) IN 
| | 
| value 2) Avec utilization des bandes transversales: 22 points d'appui également, | 
, as it disposés de façon différente. I 
nt and Erreur moyenne quadratique: + 3,9 m, sur 250 points de contrôle. il 
Un rapport plus complet, indiquant la répartition des erreurs et leur distribution I | 
shat in dans le bloc, sera établi avant le Congrès de Londres ». M | 
os will I 
loying M 
« The following time was required for the operations: | 
| For photograph coordinates Hours Period HE 
. : : ; E 
out of selecting points for relative orientation, and marking points Mi 
| on prints: 87 March 14 
1 Cr . . . i 
{ns | measuring 209 models and repeating 18 models (part of strip to n 
Oe. | 4 and models for levelling), and manual recording: 216 June 6 M 
sare | s 
| computing principal points, punching and checking cards: 86 
INEER For strip coordinates Hours Period bi 
performing strip triangulations on IBM-650, excluding tra- May 5 * 
| velling and waiting time: 9,5 to E | 
checking strip coordinates, correcting errors: 51 June 24 BA 
| For preliminary block adjustment Hours Period Ë 
le tra- averaging coordinates of tie points measured in more than June 10 ] 
ement | one model, and punching averaged coordinates: 28 to HE 
bes, et selecting points and preparing control cards for approximate June 28 
ement positioning and levelling, and sorting cards: 17 
approximate positioning and levelling on IBM-650: 0,5 
comparing coordinates of tie points in overlapping strips: 7 
| selecting tie points to be used in the adjustment, and prepa- 
| . . . 
| ring data cards and control cards for preliminary ad- 
justment: 29 
preliminary adjustment on IBM-650: 0,5 j 
) . . . IT 
0 mm averaging transformed coordinates of ground control points B 
tenir | and computing discrepancies in tie points between strips: 7 | 
hique | | 
| ya. 
For final block adjustment 
r cha- : : x LA. : 
UN e: estimated time for preparing all control cards: 4 hours 
estimated time for each adjustment on IBM-650: between 0,5 hour and 
1 hour 
estimated time for averaging transformed coordinates of ground nd 
onnus control points and of tie points: 7 hours. 

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