Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Organizations using Aerial Triangulation Purposes Methods for the Aerial Triangulation performance 
T News on tendencies : 
| the No Country Rapporteur for the use of Cartographic purposes per strips per blocks 
| pli- 3overnment Private uo ; Ee Study Other | — 
à Aerial Triangulation ; 
e Agencies Corporations small medium Lange purposes purposes| Instru- | Analy- Radial Instru- | Analy- Radial 
sale scale See mental | tical mental tical Hs 
ap map a 
[ — — 
1| AUSTRIA Ing. H. Muzik yes |l. Bundesamtfür Eich- The use is increasing |1 : 50.000 Some tests. Tri- yes — en yes wm = 
23 und  Vermessungs- 17.980 km? 1.360 km? |angulation per 
31 wesen Vienna blocks 
11 o o - — s — 
2 2 | BELGIUM Mr. A. Verdin yes |l. Institut Géographi- The use is stationary|l: 100.000 |1.: 20.000 Some tests: for yes e — yes ere yes 
9 que Militaire (I.G. Future use of the Aerial|l: 200.000 |1 : 40.000 the O.E.E.P.E.| 
M.) Bruxelles Triangulation for sur-|164.000 km? |12.600 km? 
13 veying in the Antaretic 
94 Continent and of the 
Analytical method. 
31 hse bo usd jul d e 
I ONU ; ; ; | 
2. Ministère des Tra- The use is stationary 1 : 2.000 | yes € m= T — "um 
vaux Publies (M.T. 1:10.000 | 
. an m2 | 
and P.) Bruxelles 900 km | 
3. Institut Géographi- The use is increasing |1 : 50.000 1:10.000 |1:2.000 | yes | — | — | yes S | yes 
que du Congo Belge I : 200.000 1 : 5.000 | | 
(I.G.C.B.) Leopold- 375.000 km?|540 km? [34 km? | | | 
ville | | 
4. Faculté Polytechni- |Some tests for| | ss. .| = = — | T 
que du Hainaut the O.E.E.P.E.| | | 
Mons | | | | | 
| | | | : | 
1 | | | | 
3 | BURMA Burma Survey no | | | 
Department | | | | 
Rangoon | | | 
|| - — - | — ge 
| I 
ient 4 | CANADA Mr. T. J. Blachut| yes | Aerial Triangulation is being used by official/The use is increasing.|mostly used occasionally Some tests on yes yes — | yes yes | yes 
and private mapping agencies. No further|It is hoped that ana- used [Analytical Ae- | | 
detailed information. lytical method will be| | rial Triangula- | | 
used more and more in| | [tion | 
the future | | | | 
À | 
5 | CHILE Soc. Fotogram- | no | | | | 
| metrica de Chile | 
6 | CZECHOSLO- C.S.L. Fotogram-| no 
VACHIA metricks | 
Spoleenost | 
I e] m Ze ) 2 3 | | | | | 
| 7 | DENMARK Dansk Foto- no | | | | | 
Ë grammetrisk | | | | | 
Lol Selskab | | | | | | | 
8 | EGYPT Mr. A. M. Wassef| no | | | | | 
ee T gu. [m | | | | | 
9 | FINLAND Dr. L. Erola yes |1. The General Survey | | | | | 
Office, Photogram- | | | | 
metric Division | | | | 
| 2. Topographic Service Phe’ vse ts stationary (1:100.000 |1:20.000 |1:500 | | 
ofthe Defense Forces linereasing with mapp-| |l : 4.000 ye. | = | — — — | — 
ling SZ apı 115.800 km? |54,600 km?|2.250 km? | | | | | 
| TE [s | [ d. 1- 1. | 
3. Water Power Com- | | | | | | | 
pany of Finish Sta- | | | | | 
te, Stereoplotting | | | | | | | 
Office | | | | | | 
-- | | | | | 

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