Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Continuation: TABLE No 1 
Organizations using Aerial Triangulation Purposes Methods for the Aerial Triangulation performance 
News on tendencies 
re- : ; + «tri 
Country Rapporteur : for the use of Cartographie purposes per strips per blocks 
pli- 3overnment Private : ; . … UU E Study Other 
Aerial Triangulation n 
ed Agencies Corporations small medium Lange purposes purposes| Tnstru- | Analy- Radial Instru- | Analy- Radial 
j scale . a . 
seals a on mental tical adia mental tical a 
ap ma al 
FRANCE Ing. en chef yes |l. Institut Géographi- The use is inereasing|1:40.000 |1: 10.000 433 photographs — — -— yes yes yes 
Bonneval que National (I.G.| In 1956 - 5155 photo.|1 : 200.000 : 20.000 triangulated for 
jue Na 9 J | : g 
N.) Paris » 1357 - 5920 » 605.000 km?/1.380 km? study purposes 
» 1958 - 6212 » plus 
» 1950 - 7979 - » 1.000.000 
Future use of the Ana-|mk? 
lytical Method with radial 
m : triangulation E c e] d | o i 
2. Société Française de|The use is increasing 1 : 2.000 yes — — — — — 
Stereotopographie ] : 5.000 
(S.F.S.) 11.300 km? 
GERMANY Dr. W. Bruck- | yes |l. Institut für Ange- 1: 25.000 Some tests for — e — yes > — 
lacher wandte Geodisie 170 km? study purposes 
Dr. R. Foerstner Frankfurt-M. | 
2. Flurbereinigung- |The use is mainly in- 1:10.000 | | o o — yes E — 
samt. Bamberg creasing for large scale 448 km? | | 
| Y | | 
| Map and  Cadastral | | = - : : 
| | 7 purposes. — TERT E | | TT 
| 3. Hansa Luftbild 1 : 50.000 | | "^ — — — — yes 
| G.m.b.H. Münster 2.080 km? | | 
| |L-—— IE. I - 
| 4. Photogrammetrie | 1 : 50.000 | | | -—- — — — — yes 
| G.m.b.H. München| 420 km? | | | 
LA | | I = — ; 
= - [m 
| 5. Vermessungsbüro 4.000 km? | | -—- — — — — yes 
| T oe | | | 
| N. Rüpke | | | | 
Hamburg-Wandsbek | | | | 
| RE ue E | |— | E en Ee S | m — 
16. Techn. Hochschule, |Have experi- | | 
| Geodätisches Insti- | |mentally studied | 
| | E ITI | 
| tut | |Aerial Triangu- | | 
| Aachen | | lation | | | | 
et —) -| | —— n : [- 
7. Universität, Institut | |Have ex peri-| | | 
für Photogramme- | | |mentally studied | | 
trie | | |Aerial Triangu-| | 
| Berlin | | | | (lation | 
| | | ee a Lien a: | | M - tina] attt 4 sm ———— 
| T | = | | : 
18. Techn. Hochschule, | | | | Have ex peri- | 
Institut für Photo-| | mentally studied 
grammetrie und In-| | | Aerial Triangu- 
| genieurvermessun- | lation 
| gen — Hannover | | 
| — : —Á - [— — : —| - —Ó.— — 
|9. Techn. Hochschule, | |Have ex peri-| 
| Institut für Photo- | | |mentally studied | 
| frammetrie, Topo- | | | Aerial Triangu-| | 
| graphie u. Allge- | | lation | | 
| meine Kartographie | | | 
| München | | | 
eques : = €— == a pes er ms 
(10. Techn. Hochschu- | | Have experi-| | | 
| le, Institut für Pho- | |mentally studied | | 
togrammetrie | | | Aerial l'riangu- | 
Stuttgart | | lation | 
| re re de serre je Be iix | eer OE iia dear x 
11. Deutsches Geodi- | Have experi-| 
tisches Forschungs- | | mentally studied 
institut München | | Aerial Triangu- | 
| | lation | 
— — — ef ee ——— I. mis - 
: | | | ; | 
| |12. Zeiss - Aerotopo-| | |Have experi- | 
| | graph G.m.b.H. | |mentally studied | | 
| | München | | |Aerial Triangu- | 
| | | | lation | 
| | 
| | | 

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