Continuation: TABLE No 5
Survey Total Flight Ground Control Points | UU re pra NS -— TEE M MM Adjustment of blocks
purpose area Plotting instruments Bridging characteristics
No Country Organization UU y T n. | I. TTT ~~ TT — | 0 7 TEE TTT TTA > 7 Reached precision
M: N? of ) | Aum | Number | | Thermical | EU Relative | Ne ‚and Use | Adjust t f| Ja 2i: so Iso
Map | N? o | i : ; Photo- | Overlap Auxi- | 4 and | Duas: d: ermica!l | Operators eiative position m: | No 4c |^ OJustment of | Use of data Usc Use
scale blocks Photo- Camera 5 = | Ground Me | Plotting Preli- | character. | 25. and posi 5 of data Time No of | 4^ distortion | | .
| Cameras | graphic 'alibra- scale and sidelap liary |character- position Type. | instru- | minary | istics and Bridging absolute of points from | required repe- | B. refraction | Planimetry Altimetry from | of of other
| Cameras | graphic | cali a d | : jene of control : . | working | sthod | . - between eii | q p Srractaon | ; : auxiliary | electronic equip-
material tion and flight | equip. istics points | ments tests of working | Method | orientation adiacent | auxiliary | for models titions | C. film | 5 y Ns uj
altitude | block shape | ments | ; 11. | rooms | shifts | of models ein equipments | shrinkage | | ‘equipments, computers ments
| | in the block | | | Strips | |
; ..l +. = | | «T. | os lie E: i ns ED er s |. :
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
27 | U.K. | Directorate of R.C. 5 ifilm Calibra-| 3.000 ft. Blocks have | Height control for Multiplex |Regular Semi-ai r-|l shift |Relative and ab- IDevelop-|5 models a Reduction|Use is made of arithmetic me-
| Overseas Surveys | tion is ma- 40.000 ft. been up to 1:50.000 mapping A. 5 lcheck is|conditioned [solute orientation ‘ment of me- day on mul- printers and|thods of adjusting involving
| ; de before 100.000 km? would be situated |madeonthe| is by visual me- thods is in|tiplex. jcompensatingllenst squares, graphical me-
Eagle IX |film each block and up to for- | at the ends and in adjustment | ithods on multi- progress on! model a plates are used |thods, using splines and me-
of photo- ty strips wide! the middle of brid- lof the in-| plex; with final a- theintrodue-|day on A. 5 to adjust the|chanical analogue devices
graphy is ges 12 to 24 over- Radial line|strument [rithmetic adjust- tion of A.P. for large sca- distortion of {such as the Jerie Analogue
flown. laps long. plotter | | |ment of residuals BR. auxiliary le mapping ithe va rious|Computer for height and pla-
Thompson| | lon the Wild A. 5, data into, lenses and the |nimetry
Watts Plot- | | |C. 6 and Thompson \bridging | format size |
Iter | | |Watts plotters. | | | |
Cc. 6 | | |
- _ — | — - — — M — - — | — — .
98 | U.S.A. | Army Map | Test of the horizontal block adjustment have been made and other are currently in progress. | | |
T Service | It is intended to use the method operationally as soon as the adjustment has been programmed for the electronie computer. | | | |
| Lr : E | => [ee d : : je Ae E ; DC tee SEN i = = =
| |
Geological 50.000 km? film 1.520 m |For vertical | A ground point is E.R. - 55|Periodical- 2 operat. | Visual relative o-| Lateral pass 215-3 hours| Each strip is studied and eva- Absolute accuracy is
Survey in the year 6.100 m |photography established for both Twinplex |ly tested l or 2 orientation. points are |per model luated with respect to position generally held within
: 1958 | base height ends of each flight for conver- shifts Absolute orienta-|placed in the |closures with adjacent strips 20 ft.
ratio 0,63 strip of approxima- gent pho- tion is achieved at|overlap bet- and the respective relation-
For conver- tely 8 models in tography) initial model of ween two a- ship within the entire block.
gent (20° low- length. bridging strip in|djacentstrips Adjustments for individual
oblique) pho- |Alternate flights heavy-plotter ope-|so that eve- models are resolved graphi-
tography base | have an additional Multiplex | ration. For other|ry model in | cally from this study and final
height ratio! ground point at A. 7 instruments the each st rip | |positions established for each
1,23 | center of strip. A. 8 | end models are ho-|has a pass | model.
Stereopla-| rizontalized as clo-| point in each |
nigraph sely as the « B.Z » corner.
|curve permits and
absolutely orien-
ted to horizontal
| ; : LE £j: ;
International |Governmen- Fairchild |film 18.000 ft.127 strips From flat The number of po-|N atural|S. IV Grid test 2 operat. | Visual method. Points of la- 1B 50m per Numerical me- Vertical curve IBM
Aerial Mapping [tal use length vary- ito steep ints per strip varies point not | shift teral st rip model thod method by gra-
Company ing from 6 to and irre- from four points for |signalized connection phical means
: 35 models. gular a strip of six models would nor-
Overlap 50-65 to ten points for a mally be no
Sidelap 0-50 strip of thirty five more than
models. The con- four |
trol was used in
conjunction with
the water level on
the coast for added
vertical control.
The Ohio State |Research pur-[12.000 km? |K. 51 film 6.000 m Overlap 60 Flat Groups of 3 to 4|N atural/A. 7 ] operat. The whole Optical mechani- 8 common Ist model The method of block adjust- m, d ):50 m
University pose Sidelap 20 ground points are|point not | shift block is trian- cal relative orien-|points bet- 8 hours other ment was dev eloped by Bran- m, 45 )9 m
: given at both ends signalized gulated in the tation ween two a- models 70m denberger and Zeller and is im, - 1,40 m
50 x 24 km? and in the middle same machine djacent strips described in the publications:
of each strip, coordinate sy- |These standard errors
Three longi- stem Dr. A. Brandenberger « The are determined by
tudinal strips practice of Spatial Aerial Tri- means of more than
angulation » one hundred given
ground test point
A. Brandenberger & S. Lau-
rila « Aerial Triangulation by
least Squares » Report No III