| ]
| | | Bridging |
| | |
Survey | Total | Flight | Ground Control Points pren |
purpose area | | Instruments Characteristics of analytical bridging |
| |
To | ! "yv | Organization | - | v BF TT TTT I: | A = Se | m justment | e: recisi
N Country | g | | Phot Orel i | | Number | | Thormical | | | | Wo an d | Time reguired | | Moret of | Coe te | Adjustment Reached precision
Map | No of | Photo- | Camera 1060 Yer'ap uxi- | Ground | and | Instrument | Preli- | character. | Operators No of | Position | Program | A won | | obtained.
scale | blocks Cameras | graphic | calibra- scale and sidelap | liary haracter-| position Type ] it | T o eo | and Computation „0 | of points | | 1 | blaine
| scale locks Jameras graphic | calibre ; character Î control yI and its | minary | istics à | observed | ; and electronic| B. refraction from
| | | Las and flight = equip- His | ot contre | f | working proceeding | : between f | |
| | | material | tion : | | 1sties | points | precision | tests | o ins ? | points | adjacent or | for T | computer | C. film | the : |
| | | | altitude | block shape) ments | |^ in the block | | | | rooms shifts | | strips measurements|computation | shrinkage |computation
. | Lol —— | del | E —— : | T E | J | em | ——— € — M
T | | | | | | | |
| | | | [ | | | | | |
10 | FRANCE | LG.N. | Research pur- | See triangulated blocks with instrumental method T.A. 3 Grid tests. l operator |See I.G.N. report | 45-60m each! IBM 704 By means of the
pose | O.M.I. The same grid for Comm. III at | overlap computing program |
| | used for the the London Con- | lon IBM 704 |
| | camera cali- gress |
| | | bration | |
= | a [ | | | | | | mem «e rr — ——1- eb ty
17 | NETHERLANDS | [.T.C. | Research pur- 10 strips block | | Wild stereo- | | | 20-30 points| 6-10 overlap | |
| | | pose | | | | comparator | | in each plate. every 6 hours | |
| | | | | | | | The plates are | |
| | | | | | | prepared in | |
| | | | | | | | | advance by | | |
| | | | | | indicating all | | |
| | | | | | | | / | | points and | | |
| | | | | | connecting| |
| | | | . |
| | | | | | | | | | these by lines. / |
| | Lu dd —_— LE ol DZ ee | | | | |
l | — | = | | | | | . fr + — | ee E LIE | m
27 | UK. | Ordnance Sur- |1: 10.560 17.100 km? |F. 49 (film |All came- |] : 28.000 |Each block [Decca Sy-| 10-14 plan control (Ca mbridge| |2 operators |The strips are com-|16 points in 4 man-day per The camera is cali-| The strips are for- my and m, + 0,8 m
vey | 16 blocks | wide angle ras are ca-|l : 24.000 |12-25 km? [stem | points are required Stereocom- | puted in part by leach plate by| model |brated and it in-| [med into blocks by|m : — 08 m
; | leamera | librated in| | | round the perime- parator Punched card com-|each observer | corporates a reseau| the Deuce and the
| | | Ithe field, |Overlap 60% | | ter. Height control } 20 |puters, in part by) | which is also cali-| blocks are adjusted
| | | using a ho- Sidelap 15%| | points are required the} Deuce Electro- | brated; all measu- |by the Jerie Ana-
| | rizontal | | jevery 2-3 overlaps | | nic computer and| | |rements on the ste- llogue computer: a|
| | array of| | in the outer strips in part by hand | |reocomparator are| [second type of Je-
|1: 1.250 Narrow targets. |1:5.000 |Overlap 60% | | and every 5 over- | computations | | 3% man-day referenced to the] irie Analogue com- m, and m, + 0,1 m
| angle ca- No error Sidelap 309/| | llaps in the strips | | | | | T nearest reseau| | puter adjusts the m, - +— 03m
| mera exceeds | | [within the block | | | | | cross-Further, ob-| heights of points
| 20 u | | | | | | | | |servations in the| ir equired for the|
| | | | | | | | | |stereocomparator| [setting up of in- |
| | | | | | | | are made on glass dividual models in
| | | | | | | | | diapositives plotting machines |
| | SA 1 = a | |. | | | | i
- E EN o — m m T — | = - F^ ——— | ————————— | ——— —— —— Te —— — | —— n ——ÓM —
Geologieal Sur- [Rese arch pur-| | l« The Direct Geo- | | | |
Vev | pose | | | | detic Restraint Me- | | | | |
: | | | Ithod» is in the | | | | |
| | [research stage and| | | | | | | |
| | has been applied | | | | | | | | |
| | experimentally| | | | | | | |
| | | | [ons | | | | | | | |
_ ——MÓ fe | : — ; —|———]— — ———— dll —— Jl | | trente ftom ni ne Le ee -
# hu: l. In | l1. | | | | IA |
Tha Olio. State |Research pur- R.C. 7 A.|plates 8.000 m |3 transversal | Ststoscope flilly and 3 to 4 ground points! N aturallA. 7 (all ele- 1 operator |The Hergert-Me-|9 points per|In dividual| IBM 650 | | P conformal and |
University-In- [pose and 6 longitu-| [mountai. at both ends and | points ments on ze- 1 shift Ithod is slightly mo- |photograph |methods of! | 12.060 figures | non-conformal i
stitute. of Coo. dinal strips| [nous in the middle of ro) | | died and then ap-| |points for the | | | |justment was ap-| |
desy, Cartogra- (block Ver-| | [each transversal plied to the block| |conneotion of | | | plied using corre-|
phy and Photo- cors) | (strip. | | |triangulation. | ladjoinin g| | [sponding formulas. |
| grammetry o; | | | | | strips was de-| | | | The T esults will be|
5 : Overlap 70%, | | | | | | signed by Mr.| | | | |published in the
Sidelap 20- | | | | | |Mahoney and| | | | | [next future. |
30% | | | | |Will be publi- | | | |
| | | | shed | | |
| | | | |