Full text: General reports (Part 2)

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that photogrammetry with figures has the very great advantage that could be expected even as to accuracy. 
Coordinate-registration equipments are rare. They are generally used together with punch-tape equipments 
and high speed electronic computors. A great advantage with them is the possibility of getting machine- 
coordinates transformed to the field system and areas calculated numerically. 
2.2 The application of other photogrammetric methods. 
hectified photographs are used in France (the well known facet method) and in some rare cases also in 
Germany and some other countries for the preparation of photomaps for cadastral and similar purposes 
in simple cases. Photoidentification and photointerpretation are in many countries generally combined with 
the photogrammetric survey especially as to boundaries and physical features. 
2.3 Ground control and staking out. 
A few countries (Germany, Norway and Sweden) have tied in some old geodetic nets to triangulation or 
traverse nets with the aid of photogrammetry or traverses to photogrammetrically determined control 
points. Staking out was usually performed with geodetic methods but in rare cases also with the aid of 
photogrammetrically determined points. 
2.4 Ordinances of surveying. 
Only a few ordinances have been worked out directly considering photogrammetry and the combination of 
geodetic and photogrammetric methods. They will be mentioned here. 
Italy 1944. »Formazione Delle Mappe Catastali Con La Fotogrammetria Aerea- Istruzione Di Servizio Per La 
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Sezione Di Controllo.» Printed (Cadastral mapping with aerial photogrammetry- Official instruction for 
the control section). 
The Netherlands 1956. »Handleiding voor De Technische Werkzamheden Van Het Kadaster.» Printed (Ma- 
nual for the technical activity of cadastre). 
Sweden 1956. »Proposal for a new Swedish Surveying Ordinance by the Land Survey Board.» Stenciled (Not 
vet officially confirmed). 
Germany, Bavaria 1958. »Vorlàufige Richtlinien für die Anwendung der Luftbildmessung bei der Flur- 
bereinigung in Bayern.» (Preliminary guide for the use of aerial photogrammetry at rural reallotment 
in Bavaria.) Photo-offset-print. 
Rheinland—P[alz 1959. »Richtlinien für die Anwendung der Luftbildmessung bei Flurbereinigungen. 
(Guide for the use of aerial photogrammetry at rural reallotment.) Photo-offset-print. 
3. Other large scale mapping. 
Photogrammetric large scale mapping is also used for the following purposes. 
Road-planning. The choise of road-lines, the study of vertical- and cross-sections, the volume-determination 
of cuts and fills, the coordinate-determination of natural and signalized points suited for staking out etc. 
Railway-survey. The planning of new railways or the replanning of old ones, including problems similar to 
the ones mentioned for road planning. The survey of railway vards with all their lines and constructions 
and of the lines between the stations. 
Survey of harbours, docks, shores and water-ways. The survey of harbours and docks refer to planning 
and replanning of them or mapping of all their details. The survey of shores refer to the planning of 
communications, the protection against erosion, the plantation of dunes etc. The survey of rivers and 
streams refer to the regulation of them, the construction of dams, power-plants and artificial lakes for 
watersupply ete. 
The preparation of base-maps. The German base-map at 1 : 5000 is prepared by photogrammetric methods 
as to contours and the completion of planimetry from the cadastral maps. The English national map of 
moorland and mountainious areas at 1 : 10560 is prepared photogrammetrically. 
Survey and measurement for the construction of bridges and viaducts and for the determination of displa- 
cement of dams and buildings etc. 
Photogrammetry is used in Germany for the preparation of accurate maps at 1 : 1000 in a large town but 
also for correcting such a map (Fricke. Erfahrungen über die Mitverwendung der Luftphotogrammetrie 
zur Herstellung und Berichtigung grossmasstübiger Stadtkarten in Hannover. Zeitschrift für Vermessungs- 
wesen 1959. Page 464). 

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